
Gold Member
Real Person
Francis focused on her work and her fun. It was by chance that Francis met Amanda at a private interracial swing party being held on the eastern shore. The host had set up the event to cater to more mature women seeking a more intimate venue than the clubs, and Amanda had attended because a good black male play friend had asked her to come along. She wound up meeting Francis because Amanda’s party friend was admiring the large hips of Francis splaying her nightie over her flat but wide bottom that he thought would be fun to enjoy.

While she wasn’t into women, Amanda thought having a threesome with him would be more fun than seeking out someone or something else to do, so she approached Francis with the idea. A threesome sounded like a good suggestion to Francis. She had been nursing her wine glass and found the surrounding action to be a bit slow for her taste. She happily followed Amanda and her friend to one of the playrooms.

Amanda was impressed at the way Francis was able to really move her hips, and that she was able to take the intense pounding her friend gave her quivering bottom. Afterward, she and Francis sat and talked for the rest of the evening before sharing giving a blowjob to a hulk of a friendly mature dark, brown-skinned man who had just enough cock for them both to enjoy before sharing a special sticky kiss at the end. This would make Francis and Amanda friends for life.

Francis would accompany Amanda to some of the private BDSM dungeon events in the region. They had kept up their friendship for a number of years. Amanda always reminded Francis that it was hard to find another older white woman confident about herself and not hellbent on trying to measure up to some beauty standard that she would never reach. She would also say that having a good friend that wasn’t a sexual prude was a godsend.

Francis had stuck to her ideas over the years, so when Amanda called her and explained that her friends were putting together a special project that she knew Francis would be interested in. Amanda asked her how she would feel about being able to increase her retirement income and get the sex she most desired, and Francis told her it sounded like a scheme. Amanda convinced her to at least come to the meeting and get the information and then make up her mind.

Francis attended and liked everything she heard about Grupa Desdemona and what they wanted to achieve. Francis thought about who she could take on as her assistant and remembered meeting Henry and she knew she liked him.

Francis and Henry met in a small office down the hall from her work area. She greeted him and asked him if he remembered her from the review meeting. He told her, “vaguely,” and Francis laughed.

She told him she had an assignment for him that he would really enjoy. She asked him if he would like to work from home and not have to come into the office, and he said he would enjoy not having to deal with the traffic. Francis put a red folder and manila folder on the table in front of Henry and asked him what he thought when he first heard about the assignment. He told her that he thought it was his boss’s way of getting rid of him because he was nearing retirement. She asked him if he had any big plans for retirement, and he told her he had some thoughts about living on a lake farther down south or moving to the west coast of Florida. They shared a good laugh about that.

Francis asked Henry what he thought about working with a program that helped young black men get jobs, build families, and take care of their communities. He said that would be great if it wasn’t one of the watered-down government programs that always failed. Francis told him it was a private one. He perked up at her response and asked her to explain. Francis said that before she said more, he would have to read and sign the memo in the red folder, and then she would discuss how he could help young black men and himself while working the program. She pushed the red folder toward him, and he opened it, picked up the memo, and began reading it.

He took a few minutes, looking it over, and placed it down on the table. Henry asked Francis if the memo was enforceable, and she told him it absolutely was. Henry stared at Francis and looked into her eyes. After holding her glance for a few seconds, he took out a pen, signed the memo, and closed the folder. Francis asked Henry if he wouldn’t mind taking a ride with her, and he agreed to do so. She picked up the folders, and they left the office and went to the front of the building.

When they got to the front of the building, a black limousine pulled up, and they got into the back of it. Francis smiled and handed the driver a card with the address on it and told him they would need some privacy for their discussion. The driver raised the privacy shield and Francis sat across from Henry, asking him if he wanted something to *******. He took a bottle of water and asked her where they were going in the fancy ride. Francis told him she was taking him to a location he could do remote work from. She gave Henry the manila folder and said, “You should read this before we get there.”

Henry opened the folder and read the memo inside that detailed what he would he helping Francis with. He noticed a particular paragraph that was labeled pleasures and was curious at the things listed. He asked Francis if this memo was real, and she told him it was very real. She told him that he would be making twice his salary while retaining his government working status, that he would be teleworking from her home, and that she would want him to regularly have sex with her and accommodate her fetishes, within reason.

Henry asked her if his paycheck would be hidden or a matter of record. Francis assured him that the extra pay would be deposited in any manner he would prefer, and there would be no public record of his gains.

“So do you accept the position?” she asked him.

Henry replied, “I just want to know more about the pleasures section. What about me?”

“What do you mean, Henry?” Francis asked.

“What about what I want? Will I get what I want too?” Henry asked her.

“Of course, Henry. Whatever you want, within reason, like me,” Francis responded to him.

“Really?” Henry said skeptically.

“Yes, Henry. What is it you want?” Francis asked him.

Henry silently gazed at Francis and then said, “I want you to suck my dick.” Her face didn’t reveal the shock that Henry thought he was going to get. Instead, Francis met his gaze with her own and added a smile. She leaned forward and unbuttoned his jacket and vest. She unbuckled his pants, and when she opened the zipper, she pushed him back into the seat.

Francis pulled his pants down to his ankles, then pulled down his boxer shorts. Henry’s seven-inch flipper swelled with excitement as Francis rubbed her hands along it. She took off her blazer and moved over to his side of the limo, laying at his side with her knees in the seat and her wide ass in the air after she hiked her dress up to her waist.

Henry had gotten stiffer from her hands, and when she bent her head into his crotch and started wetly sucking him, he straightened right out. Henry managed to stop moaning enough to reach one of his arms over and rub her bottom, thinking how it would feel to hold onto her wide hips. Francis continued giving him the blowjob he asked for, occasionally moaning when she would feel his dick throb in her mouth. Henry was getting close to cumming when the light came on in the back and Francis heard the phone chime. She gripped the base of his cock and lifted the phone to hear the driver saying they were a couple minutes from the house. She told Henry she would finish his request as soon as possible, but they would be arriving at their destination in a couple minutes and needed to get ready.

They rearranged themselves, with Francis wiping her face as Henry rearranged his clothing when the driver pulled into Francis’s address. She asked Henry to follow her and took him into the panel home. She put the folders down on a center table and told him to come along as she walked past a large counter in front of the kitchen area and into another hallway. Henry noticed that the inner walls were paneled glass where he could see over to the other glass paneled side of the house.

Francis opened a door to a room that appeared to be a study and asked Henry to take off his jacket and take a seat in a plush office chair against the wall beside the door. When he did so, she removed her blazer and knelt in front of him and almost ripped off his pants. Francis made him ready and resumed what they had not finished in the limo. It didn’t take Henry long to recover, and within a few minutes, he had a copious release that coated her throat and made her eager for more of him.

“This is your room for remote telework,” Francis said to him while wiping her chin. “The next room over is your own personal bedroom. You can design it anyway you want, just no painting,” she added. Henry sighed and pulled up his pants.

“I’m going to need some more water,” he said to her, smiling.

“Me too, let’s get some while I show you the rest of the place,” Francis replied.

She led Henry around the three lengths of the home, showing him where everything was located and stopping in the kitchen to get two glasses of water. When they were on the side Francis kept her bedroom, she led Henry inside, and they sat on the edge of her bed. Francis looked into his eyes, and without words they embraced and began to kiss. A few moments passed, and soon they were in the center of her bed in various states of undress.

After a few more heated moments, they were naked and Henry looked her in the eyes and said, “Now I’m going to give you what you want,” and gave her a kiss, letting her know she had made one of the best choices she had made in a long time. He made love to her forcefully, he fucked her softly, their copulation was customary, their fornication extraordinary. Their sweaty mature aged bodies melded into a venerable image of bliss.

When they were done and breathing normally in each other’s arms, Francis sat up and took Henry’s hand. She put her head on his chest and began to tell him about her life and why she wanted to do things with the group. She told him she believed in what they wanted to accomplish, and that while she knew she would be alright financially retirement-wise, supplementing that income couldn’t be a bad thing. Francis explained to Henry that she had been divorced for about five years, and that her ex-husband kept pestering her to reconcile. She made it clear that she wasn’t interested in doing that or entertaining him in any way.

“Honesty is important to me, Henry. It’s critical to me, sexually. I don’t care sexually what you like or want to do, just never lie about it. Just tell me if you want to be with someone else or try something else, or just tired of being around me. I can deal with any of it, just not finding out you lied to me about anything, it will ruin our agreement and my belief in being with you,” Francis said.

“I can understand,” he told her. He sat up and rubbed her hair.

Henry looked at Francis and said, “Let me tell you some things. I don’t usually get caught up on people’s beliefs, but I do believe in signs, and this is a sign for me.”

“What do you mean,” Francis asked.

“I have been contemplating ending my long-distance relationship for some time, almost a year. It really isn’t working out for me, it’s neither savvy nor convenient,” he said.

“Well, yes, anything like that will drain your health and finances,” Francis remarked.

Henry kidded her, saying, “I’m sure you’re going to boost my wisdom and practicability.”

They chuckled and she asked him to explain his situation and what he was really talking about. Henry told her about his Atlanta-based girlfriend who was thirteen years younger than him. She was a former model who operated a special event and wedding planning business. It was a one-woman operation that made money every so often but not enough to sustain her lifestyle. Henry was coming to realize that’s what she needed him for. He had met her at a black-tie event in the capital during black history month about four years ago. The first year she was staying with a friend in Washington while she was developing her contacts in Atlanta. She consistently kept trying to get Henry to pack up and move south with her, but he was steadfast that he wasn’t changing jobs or moving from the area.

Henry lived with his younger brother who had gone through some legal trouble back in the late 1990s, surrounding his ex-long-term girlfriend. His brother never made a full comeback from those events and luckily was able to move in with Henry and enjoy some quality of life.

Henry’s Atlanta-based woman started out equally flying to D.C. to spend long weekends, which eventually died off to Henry having to make a request for her to come his way. Most of the time he spent with her over the last year was either when they were traveling, or he was in Atlanta. Henry told Francis that he wasn’t a fool, but since he wasn’t in his youth, he didn’t feel the need to be out and about as much. He preferred to do his research or network over some policy developments, boring stuff, but boring stuff that got him ahead in his life.

Henry and his long-distance love had been out of sorts lately because she had spent quite a bit on a mutual AMEX card that he took care of. As long as she made attempts to pay something on it, Henry would handle the rest. When Henry had questioned her about the vast number of charges she had been accruing, the woman had a bit of a fit and acted like she wanted to throw a tantrum. A few days after that, Henry saw her about to use her AMEX card in a boutique and stopped her. She had a bad reaction to that and caused a scene. She raised her voice to him, and he immediately walked out of the store and went to the car. She came out of the store and yelled after him not to touch her car, and Henry took out his mobile phone and called a taxi.

He started packing when he got back to her condo, and she arrived just in time to stop him and literally begged him to stay. Henry said she apologized, but to him it didn’t feel like a genuine apology. Henry said she made some excuse about not liking to have to ask permission to buy what she wanted because of how poor her parents were and the trauma she underwent in her childhood by being embarrassed at stores by her mom. Henry just decided to stay quiet. Then she put on her best sexual performance by going down on him and having sex, but it felt like how he described it, a performance. That was almost a month ago.

Henry looked at Francis and said, “I’m glad that chapter has now officially come to an end. I will need a couple days to clear up a few loose ends, and then I can give you my full attention.”

“That’s good Henry. You let me know if you need any help,” Francis said as she laid down next to him.

excerpt from Grupa Desdemona - satiate dominium vincere - (Satisfied Ladies Win)