First black man stories

I was on the corner of hywy 9 and out of no where I seen a gaggle of them, they were so good natured. I approached them very slowly so I wouldn't " spook" them. They were apprehensive at first, slowly sniffing the air around me, as if my scent was familiar. They all at once grabbed at me, and took me to their leader. King BBD he looked me up and down, and smelled me, he gave a nod to his gaggle and put me in a cage next to his thrown. There I awaited until night fell, the King BBD took me to his cave where he strung me up by chains, caressed every inch of my body as if he could devour me whole. As I hung from the chains he spread my legs and thrust his pulsating black rod deep, and before I could yell out with immense pleasure, he thrusted deeper, and slower with a quick pound from his hot sweaty body, I was taken to another world where only pleasure was given that night, and ever since then I've been searching with my team of BBDologist to find My King.
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I was on the corner of hywy 9 and out of no where I seen a gaggle of them, they were so good natured. I approached them very slowly so I wouldn't " spook" them. They were apprehensive at first, slowly sniffing the air around me, as if my scent was familiar. They all at once grabbed at me, and took me to their leader. King BBD he looked me up and down, and smelled me, he gave a nod to his gaggle and put me in a cage next to his thrown. There I awaited until night fell, the King BBD took me to his cave where he strung me up by chains, caressed every inch of my body as if he could devour me whole. As I hung from the chains he spread my legs and thrust his pulsating black rod deep, and before I could yell out with immense pleasure, he thrusted deeper, and slower with a quick pound from his hot sweaty body, I was taken to another world where only pleasure was given that night, and ever since then I've been searching with my team of BBDologist to find My King.
I was on the corner of hywy 9 and out of no where I seen a gaggle of them, they were so good natured. I approached them very slowly so I wouldn't " spook" them. They were apprehensive at first, slowly sniffing the air around me, as if my scent was familiar. They all at once grabbed at me, and took me to their leader. King BBD he looked me up and down, and smelled me, he gave a nod to his gaggle and put me in a cage next to his thrown. There I awaited until night fell, the King BBD took me to his cave where he strung me up by chains, caressed every inch of my body as if he could devour me whole. As I hung from the chains he spread my legs and thrust his pulsating black rod deep, and before I could yell out with immense pleasure, he thrusted deeper, and slower with a quick pound from his hot sweaty body, I was taken to another world where only pleasure was given that night, and ever since then I've been searching with my team of BBDologist to find My King.