Faithful and Reluctant Wife Fucks His College Buddy

David was sitting in front of the women's clothing store in the mall waiting for his wife. He had a few shopping bags with him and he was keeping himself busy playing a game on his phone. David disliked going shopping but his wife had made him come with her.

As David continued playing the game on his phone a Hispanic man carrying a Victoria's Secret bag stopped in front of him. The Hispanic guy looked at him as if trying to remember why David looked familiar.

And then his face broke out in a huge smile, "David Slaton!!...right?"

David looked at him, "Yes...and you are? look familiar." He responded trying to remember who is the latin guy standing in front of him.

"Roberto man!...don't tell me you have forgotten me." He said.

"Oh yes, yes...I wonder you looked familiar." Said David as he remembered Roberto, a casual friend from college. He got a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he remembered the experience they had shared. Roberto had changed quite a bit from his college days. He used to have a fit body but it seems had let himself go and also had a receding hairline.

He used to be the tall, dark, handsome latino man that all the girls desired in college.

" has been a long time since I last saw you...maybe 13 years ago." David said uneasily as he thought how quickly years have passed by and he was now 35 years old. David thought Roberto must by 40 years old. It took Roberto a bit longer to graduate and he had started college before David.

"Yeah...I think you are right man." Saying that Roberto sat down next to David and put his bag down next to David's shopping bags.

"You have let yourself go took me a minute to place you." David said with a tinge of disappointment.

"That is what happens man when you get older, you get a pot belly, lose your hair." He responded with a grin. "But it is nice to see that you have kept yourself in shape." Roberto responded and then pointed at David's wedding ring, "So it seems you are married?"

" years now...also have two *******, a six year old boy and a four year old girl." David told Roberto. "So what about you?"

"Well been divorced a couple of just have a girlfriend." Roberto chuckled. "Once you get married to them, they think as they own more marriage for me two ex-wives, dumb bitches, they were lucky that I even married them."

David thought that this guy has not changed much, still an arrogant prick. But meeting Roberto had brought memories of a particular incident in college and he hoped that Roberto would not bring that up at all.

"Came here to buy something nice for my girlfriend." He said pointing to the Victoria's Secret bag that he had put on the bench next to David's bags and then he saw another Victoria's Secret bag among the different shopping bags.

"It seems we both had the same idea." David grinned.

As they a chatted a beautiful, tall blonde emerged from the clothing store. She momentarily glanced at them and went into the store next door. She had a hot body and the tight jeans she was wearing nicely accentuated her round, bubble butt.

"Man that is one hot piece of ass." Said Roberto to David as he gestured towards her.

"Roberto, that hot piece of ass belongs to me...she is my wife." David told him with a hint of pride.

“******* man, I didn't mean to...”

“It's cool Roberto. You just said what I know most men think,” David said with a smile.

"I bet she is a hot one in bed." Roberto said to him with a wink.

David has a very satisfying sex life. His wife was one of those women who truly enjoyed sex. One of the rare ones who loved receiving oral sex and loved it even more going down on a man. She was adventurous and did not mind getting dirty in bed.

As he thought about his wife enjoying sex, David grinned, "Well that is for me to know...and for you to guess."

"Whatever man...but you sure know how to pick them." Roberto gave him a sly smile.

David cringed as he knew that his wishful thinking did not come true. Roberto was going to bring up something he did not want to remember.

"Do you still remember that hot brunette you were dating in college...the hot threesome with her in that frat party is one my fondest memories of college." Roberto said with a longing tone..

"Yeah...but that was a mistake, we just got too ******* and got carried away." David said with a tinge of regret. That incident had caused David and his girlfriend to split up. But just thinking about that threesome increased David's heartbeat.

"So what do you do for a living?" David asked, trying to change the direction of the conversation.

"I answered my calling, I am a salesman...I was always good with words, convince I became a car salesman." Roberto answered proudly. "Make pretty good money of it."

"That is nice...doing something you really love." David said while thinking that for a liar and sly man like him, it is probably a good job. "Maybe next time we need a car, we will come to you."

"Sure man...I will get you some great deal." Roberto handed him a business card. "It is not one of those new car places, mostly we deal with used cars but I can get you some really nice car. So what do you do?"

"Well I am a Director at an IT firm." David said.

"That is pretty good." Roberto said, "What about the missus...does she work?"

"Yes...she is a manager at an insurance company." David responded.

"I hope you keep her on a tight leash...women need to be put in their place man. That is wisdom I gained from my two bitch ex-wives. They need to understand that man is the boss. My current girlfriend completely understands it. That is the way to have a happy life." Roberto sounded like a complete jerk.

Hearing the words coming out of Roberto's mouth, David was completely appalled. But he was in no mood to argue with him and so decided not to respond.

"Give me your phone number man...we need to get together sometime, maybe go out to a bar, a club. Me, my girlfriend, you and your hot wife." Saying that he winked at David.

David did not like the idea of hanging out with Roberto.

Roberto took out his phone, "Tell me your number."

David reluctantly gave him his cell number and Roberto called him, "Now you have my number it."

"Hey babe, ready to go?" David's wife Tracy was standing in front of them. "Who is your friend?" She asked.

"Tracy meet Roberto...we were in college together." David did not want to refer to him as his friend.

"Hello is really nice to meet you. I have to say you are a very hot woman and David is very lucky man to have you." He was trying to be very charming but Tracy saw right through him. She did not like the way he was blatantly staring at her, as if undressing her with his eyes.

"Oh...thanks. So you came alone to the mall? David hates shopping...he will never come to the mall all by himself." Said Tracy smiling lovingly at her husband

"I thought that I will be nice to my girlfriend and buy some nice lingerie for her." Roberto said pointing to the Victoria secret bag. "Just like David bought for you."

"Come on you do not really mean that! really think David bought lingerie for me? or that you are actually buying lingerie for your girlfriend?" She laughed. "Women wear sexy lingerie just to please their you and David are actually being nice to yourselves."

"Hey that is not mean to say women do not feel good wearing sexy lingerie?...the sexy lingerie does nothing for you?" Roberto asked arrogantly.

"No...I only wear it for David...because he likes it when I wear the sexy lingerie. So basically you did not buy anything for your bought something for yourself. You like it when your girlfriend wears sexy turns you on." Tracy said to him with exasperation .

"See now you are just making ******* up. Women like wearing sexy things...they like to strut their stuff wearing sexy *******. Women like teasing men...turning them on. Like you are wearing that tight ass jean, tight top...showing off your tight, round ass, your fine small titties." He said to her crudely. "Don't tell me you do not like it when men check you out."

Tracy blushed when he said that. Even though she will never admit it, she did like when other guys checked her out. It made her feel good about herself. She wasn't so sure though that Roberto had given her a compliment by referring to her 'titties' as 'small.'

"You are such a Neanderthal... and very obnoxious." She said indignantly. "The kind of men who just objectify don't see that a woman is more than just an instrument of sexual pleasure."

"Objectify women?" Scoffed Roberto. "You are the one strutting off your stuff in a mall...showing off your hot body in tight clothes. And you do it because you like it...just the way you will get turned on when you will wear the lingerie your husband bought for you. You like getting him hard, all turned on and that teasing gets you wet." Roberto said with a self-satisfied, arrogant smile.

David could only sit there, his mouth opened wide, and listen in disbelief at how his former friend and his wife were going at it, and insulting each other in the process.

"You are such an arrogant actually think you know me better than I do myself." Tracy said angrily and responded with a stubborn tone. "I do not get turned on that way..."David let's go...I am tired of this enlightening conversation." She said sarcastically.

"Alright sweetheart." Saying that David stood and in the process managed to knock all the bags from the bench to the floor. He quickly picked up the bags and handed Roberto his Victoria secret bag.

"Thanks man." Roberto said to him." We should get together sometime and I have to say it you really know how to pick them." He said with conspiratorial tone while gesturing at Tracy. "It was nice meeting you Tracy." He said to her but she did not respond. Roberto walked away from them.

"What a douchebag." Tracy said as she looked at Roberto who was walking away. "I cannot believe it that you are friends with him. How come you did not say anything when he was spewing all that crap?"

"Well you are a big girl...I knew you could handle yourself." David explained. "And yes you are right...he is a complete dick. But I am not friends with him...I just know him from college...I saw him today after almost 15 years." David said to her as they started walking towards to mall exit that led to the parking structure.

"So what did he mean when he said that you know how to pick them?" She asked her husband curiously. "It seemed he meant something about me...and your previous girlfriend in college." She said hesitatingly trying to guess?

"Yeah...he knew my GF in college...she was pretty good looking. I think he meant that you are also as hot as her. But for me you are much more hotter...the hottest woman I have ever known." He said trying to flatter her and trying to divert her attention from what Roberto had said. He knew she was very perceptive.

"That and plus it seemed he meant something else, like he was trying to insinuate something...the way he said it seemed as if something secretive between you two." She said to her husband accusingly. "Now stop flattering me tell me what else he meant."

They had reached their car by now. David always had a very hard time lying to Tracy. He held the passenger door open as she sat down and hesitatingly said, "Well...this girlfriend in college...we were at frat party, got *******, and ended up having kind of...a threesome with Roberto." He sounded very sheepish. But his cock hardened just remembering the incident and he was filled with apprehension. He hoped that Tracy would notice his erection.

Tracy was looking up at him with her eyes at the level of her husband's crotch and she immediately noticed the bulge develop at the front of his pants.

She gently put her hand on his crotch. "So it seems you liked sharing your girlfriend with that creep." She stated as she looked into his eyes.

"It just only happened once but..." He hesitated. "I was very surprised by how it affected much it turned me on. I simply could never understand it." His voice was a mixture of arousal and confusion...I guess being young...exploring is something just happened at that time. Never have thought about it since college." David added.

"Alright...let's go home now. We have to pick up the ******* also." Tracy said softly. Their ******* were with Tracy's parents.

As David drove towards the home of Tracy's parents, there was an uncomfortable silence between them.

Tracy was still deep in thought when they pulled into the driveway of her parent's house.

As David stopped the car, Tracy turned to him and asked "Have you ever thought...fantasized...about sharing me?" Being an intelligent and perceptive woman she understood her husband really well.

Hearing her question David realized with dismay that his cock had hardened and he knew that his wife will notice it. He was right, Tracy immediately noticed the bulge return to the front of her husband's pants.

David hesitated, not knowing how to answer. "I had never thought of it like intentionally...sometimes thoughts have popped into my head but I never really dwelled on it." He paused, "And to be honest running into Roberto gave those vague thoughts a bit more focus...and I don't know it just seemed hot the idea of you with another guy...just for a few moments I intentionally thought of it but I was not going to try and make it happen.." He truthfully answered. It was clearly obvious to Tracy that her husband was completely perplexed by his own reaction.

"But you have always liked it when other guys check me out, hit on me, that is why you always encourage me to dress sexily." She stated softly. They both were aware of it but had never actually talked about.

"Yes that is true." David agreed. "You are so beautiful sexy. I just like it when other men notice your beauty, admire your hot body. I guess I felt proud that other men find my wife to be so desirable." He said it so passionately that it brought a smile to Tracy's face.
"But in the eight years that we have been of those as a married couple. How come you never intentionally thought of sharing me but today you did?" She asked.

"Well...when Roberto reminded me of my ex girlfriend, Jenny, the first thing came to my mind was the raw was so primal...just sex with no emotional connection. I could not help but imagine." He said with a distant look.

"You imagined me in place of Jenny?" Tracy asked nervously.

David hesitated.

"Come on sweetheart. Time to be honest. Did you imagine me being with your friend Roberto? Doing sex with him?"

"Yes sweetheart I did. That threesome with Roberto and my girlfriend, I was watching them together and it was very arousing. When Roberto brought it up today to me, I put you there with Roberto instead of my girlfriend in my mind. I also imagined you having sex with other men...imagined them using your hot body for their sexual needs. The thought of you giving in to lustful cravings...having sex just for the sake of sex." He blurted out lustfully.

She felt very anxious because her husband's lustful utterings excited her. But the sensible part of her brain reigned in her excitement and she said to him, "Baby you know I will never be able to have sex with another are all I need." She said to him lovingly. "But I do not mind dressing up for you...teasing other men for you. I like what it does to you. But I am not going to break my wedding vows.."

"I understand baby. I am lucky to have such a beautiful, understanding, strong woman as my wife." He kissed her. "And I love showing off my wife." His voice was filled with excitement. He was glad that everything was in the open now.

Tracy blushed hearing him say that. "We both are lucky to have each other. I am so glad that our relationship is so strong that we can freely discuss completely honest to each other. Let's get the ******* now." Saying that she turned to open the car door but paused.

"Honey can I ask you something?" She asked.

"You can ask me anything." David responded.

"Do you ever fantasize about having sex with another woman?" She questioned.

"No are the only woman for me. You are the only one I will ever need." He smiled at her.

"I know you are able to imagine me with another man but I can never imagine you being with another woman or you thinking about being with another woman. I just wanted you to know."

"You will have to never worry about that." David said sincerely.

She happily smiled at him and exited the car.

As Tracy walked towards the front door, David looked at his wife and thought that she looked ravishing in the tight jeans and the fitted top. Even though she was 31-years-old and had given birth to two children, she still looked like she was in her twenties. He admired her narrow waist, flaring hips, round ass, her firm B cup breasts, her svelte body.

His cock twitched thinking that this what the other men must see when they look at his beautiful wife. A hot desirable woman.

The ******* were excited to see David and Tracy. Everything the two of them had been talking and thinking about was forgotten as soon as they were with their children. Both of them were loving parents and doted on their children.

David loved watching Tracy interact with their children. She was amazingly patient and loving with both the *******. Once they got home, she asked the ******* what they wanted to eat. As usual both the ******* did not surprise her by asking for two completely different things to eat.

But she simply smiled at them and cooked the meals they wanted. By the time the ******* finished supper, it was bedtime. David helped the ******* brush their teeth and after which Tracy tucked them in bed. The younger one, their *******, wanted Tracy to read her a story and she obliged.

In the meanwhile David went downstairs to the living room and watched a college football game. A little while later Tracy came downstairs. She had wiped her makeup, freshened up and changed into the small cotton shorts with drawstring that she normally wore to bed. The shorts barely covered her delectable round ass, and her ass cheeks peeked from underneath the hem.

David loved looked at her long, creamy, smooth luscious legs that were now on display. She was wearing a thin tank top which made it very obvious that she was not wearing a bra. But the small firm breasts did not need any support. Her small, hard nipples poked through the thin fabric.

"The ******* are asleep. Are you coming to bed now?" She asked her husband as he stared at her.

"In a little bit as soon as the game is finished." Said David as he continued staring at her hot body.

"What are you staring at?" Tracy asked shyly.

"Staring at your hot body...I still cannot believe it that I have such a beautiful wife." He said lovingly.

"Stop kissing my butt and come to bed soon." She said with a smile. "All that talk this afternoon, about you wanting to see me with another man, kind of got me aroused. So I going to read my book...will wait for you to come up." She winked at him and left as David continued to stare at her retreating ass.

His bulge prominent again, David held his hand over it, softly caressing up and down the shaft, as he watched the final quarter of the game.

As she read her book in bed, Tracy heard her husband's phone ring downstairs but did not think of it much. But about half an hour later she heard a car pull into the driveway and then a knock on their front door.

Curious to see who has come to their home this late at night, she knew that David would be answering the door, but still, she went downstairs. Her eyes caught the TV screen, and she saw that it had been turned off.

When she reached the living room, Tracy was shocked to see that Roberto was standing just inside their front door and David was handing him the Victoria Secret bag.

Hearing the sound of her footsteps both the men turned to look at her. Tracy, not expecting to see someone inside the house, was caught wearing the briefest of outfits.

Looking at the beautiful blonde woman standing in front of him, attired in the small shorts and the thin tank top with no brassiere, Roberto's cock twitched. He blatantly stared at her hot body, his eyes filled with lust. He smirked at Tracy, expecting her to flee in shame to cover her exposed body.

But Tracy did not want to give this arrogant man the satisfaction of watching her feel ashamed and vulnerable. She stood there defiantly and asked, "David, what is going on?" She calmly asked.

David was very surprised that Tracy was continuing to stand in front of Roberto while in her state of near undress. But his pulse had quickened and his heart raced knowing that Roberto was seeing his beautiful wife exposed in this way.

David tried to act as if nothing out of the way is happening, like his wife standing near naked in their living room, as he answered.

"Oh honey...when the bags got knocked off the bench, we inadvertently switched our Victoria Secret bags. Roberto came by to exchange the bags. "Saying that, David looked at Roberto for confirmation but Roberto made no acknowledgment as he kept staring at his wife with an intense look.

Before seeing Tracy downstairs, David had just wanted to exchange the bags and send Roberto on his way. But now, seeing how Roberto was staring and mostly, because his wife was not trying to cover up or flee, David wanted Roberto to hang around, long enough to ogle his wife while he enjoyed watching Roberto doing so.

Without even thinking, David blurted, "Roberto, you drove quite a bit distance to get you want to stay awhile and have a *******?"

Both Roberto and Tracy were shocked to hear what David had asked. They both stared at him with wide open eyes.

After a moment of shocked silence, Roberto, "Sure man...I would love to have a *******. Beer will be fine." He said happily as he looked at Tracy.

"Sweetheart can you please get us two beers?" David said to his wife as he led Roberto on into the living room. Smiling broadly, Roberto sat down in the armchair and David sat on the loveseat across from him.

Her husband, just like that, had locked her into playing the hostess and having to stick around. Stick around in a state of near undress.

Even though Tracy did not want to get the beer for the jerk Roberto, she still went ahead to get it since she did not want to make David look bad in front of him.

"Man even though your wife can be a complete bitch...she is a hot piece of ass." Roberto said crassly. "Kind of reminds me of your girlfriend...Jenny...remember once I had my cock buried in that slut, she could not get enough of it." He winked at David. "I still remember how turned on you were watching Jenny spreading her legs for me." He said tauntingly.

David could not help but recall how Roberto had fucked his girlfriend. He had fucked her hard and rough, using her in ways Jenny had never been fucked before. His cock twitched thinking about how much Jenny had been aroused, how wet, she had been, and the number of times she had reached orgasm with Roberto.

Roberto knew that David was remembering and had the image of him as he had fucked David's girlfriend in his mind and now he wanted to plant the image of himself doing the same thing to David's wife.

"Tracy looks kind of similar to Jenny...pretty face...small, firm titties...nice round ass, long luscious legs. Only difference is that Tracy is a blonde...but I am not complaining." Roberto gave David a wicked smile as he casually talked about his wife while sitting in his home. "Is Tracy a true blonde?"

David simply nodded. Then on impulse, he confirmed. “The hair on her head matches what's...below.”

Still maintaining the image of being a caring husband, David had been unable to say the word 'pussy' when describing his wife.

David just sat there simply listening to Roberto's crude words, his mind in turmoil and confusion. He was getting turned on but also felt a gnaw in the pit of his stomach hearing this jerk talking so obscenely about his loving wife, the mom of his children.

As soon as David had offered him a *******, Roberto knew that tonight may end up to be a repeat of what had happened at the frat party 15 years ago. As long as he is able to push the right buttons on David.

"Tell me one thing though...does Tracy enjoy getting fucked as much as Jenny did?...not only can she take a good fucking, but is she a good cocksucker too?" Roberto asked David as he locked his eyes with him. Roberto understood that David was turned on but was still unsure about what his arousal meant. The sly Latino man was cunningly pushing his buttons.

David was unable to meet Roberto's eyes as he stared down at the carpet in front of Roberto's chair. "Come on know better. You should not be asking me such things about my wife." Said David with his voice wavering. "It's not the same, a wife compared to just a girlfriend."

“******* David, I could give your wife a fucking same as I gave Jenny one, and I bet your wife would be even more responsive to my cock.”

Roberto made it a point to raise his hips and grabbing hold of his left pants legs, tug the pants down in order to make more room for his cock, with the bulge that was showing so plainly. Still pointing down in his pants, David knew that Roberto did not have an erection. No, not yet, but his cock had always shown through his pants looking big like that.

Tracy was taking a while to return, and David figured that she is probably upstairs changing into something less revealing. Again, David took a look at that bulge.

Seeing David's stare, Roberto went on with his seduction of David's wife by going through David. "You know want to tell me how hot your beautiful wife is hot knowing how a pretty woman like yours loves taking care of a hard cock." Roberto said lecherously.

"Just like finding out how much Jenny truly enjoyed a hard cock...getting used like a slut." Roberto smirked at David knowing fully well that the memory will arouse him. "So does she?" Roberto locked eyes with David after asking him the question.

Both men just stared at each other for a minute and then David just caved in, "Yes...Tracy is really hot in bed...truly likes sex with me. But I don't think she is like Jenny. She won't go for a threesome or anything like that."

"Don't worry, we will find out." Said Roberto smugly just as Tracy walked into the living room with the beer. They knew that she had heard that line from Roberto. What they did not know was that Tracy had paused outside the door and had been listening for the past three minutes and had heard how Roberto was talking about fucking her.

'In your dreams, Roberto,' she had thought to herself.

Because of how long she had been gone, David was shocked to see that that his wife had not changed her mode of dress. Roberto was also surprised, but not as much as her husband.

"So what will you be finding out?" Tracy asked Roberto as she handed him the beer and then went over and handed her husband a beer. She got a quick glance at his bulge, pointing down in his pants, yes, but looking large.

She knew what Roberto had meant by saying 'we will find out,' but she decided to go with the innocent, reluctant wife bit, knowing that either Roberto or her husband will ask her to stay. She had no desire to fuck this big loudmouthed lout, but she wanted to enjoy his efforts to go past David and seduce her.

But first, she needed to act indifferent.

"Never mind...I don't want to know. I am sleepy and I am going to bed." Tracy turned to leave and while walking away, listened to see who might try to stop her. It was her husband. .

David grabbed her hand, "Not yet honey. Come on sit with us for a bit."

"He stopped me, my husband. Does he want me to fuck Roberto?'

Tracy looked at her husband with a simulated look of confusion and then sat down with him on the loveseat. Understanding dawned on her that maybe he just wanted to show her off to Roberto. She had heard Roberto telling her husband how he would fuck her, and she was curious now, as to just how much her husband is willing to have Roberto say to her face.

Roberto took the lead. "So since you was about the enlightening conversation we were having in the mall...your husband was wondering who is right." He lied to her. "I was telling him it is easy to find out."
"I would rather not talk about it...I don't really care." Tracy had been given a minute to think this over, and now she just wanted him to finish the beer and leave. Tracy had no inclination of chatting with this guy, he gave her the creeps. Roberto kept blatantly running his eyes over her scantily covered body as if undressing her with his eyes.

Tracy again felt her face redden.

"Oh come on...don't tell me you do not have confidence in what you you believe." He said to her challengingly. "You seem like a strong, independent woman...the kind of of woman who would not mind proving herself correct." Roberto was playing her.

"Yeah but I have known guys like you...there is no reasoning with you. You are just too thick headed to reason with." She said with annoyance.

"But I really want you to prove to me that I am me once and for all that the sexy lingerie does not do anything for you." He said with a sly smile.

"So what are you proposing?...or should I ask what do you want me to do to prove that I am right?" She raised her eyebrows in suspicion. She was very leery of this man.

"Do not worry it is very simple." He grinned at her. "I looked in his bag of course and saw what David has bought for you...why don't you put that on and then strut your stuff in front of David and I. See what kind of an affect you have on us...and then find out what it does to you."

"Forget about it!...I am not going to stand almost naked in front of you and pose so that you can get your rocks off." She said with annoyance. "You are a very disgusting man."

Roberto stared visibly at her body as she sat beside her husband. “Way it looks, Tracy, you already have been standing almost naked in front of me.”

Tracy blushed. She looked down at herself. “That...was an accident. I didn't know you were already in the house.” The she raised her voice. “And if you had been given the proper upbringing, you would have been a gentleman and looked away instead of standing there and staring at my tits, at, at all of me!” She sounded mad now.

Roberto, rather than switching to the gentleman, decided to challenge her. "Hey no need for so much hostility just because you are too chickenshit to do what needs to be done to prove yourself right." He said mockingly. "You know that what I am asking you to do is the best way to prove yourself right."

Inwardly, she wanted to meet his challenge. Outwardly..."Whatever...I am going to bed now," Tracy said dismissively and stood up.

As she turned around, Roberto looked hungrily at her 5'7", 125 lb. frame, the smooth creamy skin, long luscious legs, her delectable ass and licked his lips.

He looked at David and said, "I guess you are not going to find out who is right David. It's up to your wife. Your wife has to help prove it."

Roberto winked at David conspiratorially and gestured towards Tracy as if telling him to go after her. He was betting that David was hooked now and will help.

David stood up and went after Tracy who had gone toward the kitchen to have some water before heading upstairs.

"Honey...he is giving you an opportunity to shut him up. Do it...prove him wrong." David said to her gingerly.

Tracy turned around putting her hands on her hips and stared at him," that is what you want? You want me to prove him wrong?" She asked him sarcastically. "Sweetheart I know you really just want to show me off to that creep to satisfy your kink."

David smiled at her sheepishly, "Yes but I also do want you to prove him wrong. Give him a case of blue balls, as he sees what a beautiful women I have ended up with and then you can send him home. It will serve him right."

David moved up against Tracy and wrapped his arms around her waist. "It might be fun to get Roberto all horny like and then send him home and on the way he will be thinking of how I am probably enjoying your body and he has to do without."

"That would be his tough luck," Tracy responded. "I do not like that douche bag at all...if it was someone else maybe I would have done it." She said to him with hesitation.

"Don't think about that will be doing this for me. Please do it, you know I will love it." David said to his wife lovingly. "And you don't have to like someone to tease fact it is better this way.

This would just be a purely physical thing without any kind of deeper connection." Tracy detected the excitement in her husband's voice which aroused her. While he was still holding her loosely, she turned her back towards her husband because she did not want him to see the signs of arousal on her face.

David hugged her from behind, pressing his hardness into her buttocks and grabbing her pert breasts. She leaned back on her husband and sighed in arousal at the feel of his cock against her and his hands in just the right place. David kept talking.

"And you know Roberto was right about what he said in the like it when other men check you out, admire your hot body. Strange you don't even know. Just think of Roberto as one of those unknown men who hungers for your hot body...lusts to ravish you." David whispered lustily into her ear.

David knew about her neck, how much he could arouse her by going to that area.

David kissed the nape of her neck and pinched her nipples. Keeping one hand on her left tit, he pulled up the hem of her tank top with the other hand. He felt her bare flat stomach, touched her navel, inserted his fingers under her shorts in order to feel up her abdomen.

Tracy moaned softly in response to her husband's ministrations. He was touching the erogenous zones that always drove her insane with arousal.

Unknown to either of them, Roberto had crept up to the door of the kitchen and while rubbing his bulge, was watching and listening to David doing the work of warming up his wife for things to come.

"Will you do it baby?...strut your stuff wearing the sheer teddy and the tiny panties that go with it. Let me show off my wife properly to this man...a man you barely know." He kissed the side of her neck and cupped her heated pussy through the shorts. She moaned again and started breathing hard.

Her husband was driving her crazy with lust by his ministrations. “You want to make him jealous, don't you?”

“Yes, that's also part of it, make him jealous at what a gorgeous hunk of woman I have married.”

"Ok then. For you, yes...I will do it." She said to him softly.

Upon hearing that, Roberto immediately retreated to the living room and resumed his position in the armchair. Again he adjusted his pants around his bulge to make sure that as it was pointing down his left pant leg so that it had room in his pants to show visibly, and grow.

The desire to please her husband and her arousal ****** Tracy to overcome her religious convictions and her conservative nature. Her heart beat erratically and Tracy was filled with nervousness as she said yes. Still, she needed to have some form of control, some way to stop things that might develop.

"Just make sure Roberto does not move from that armchair. I cannot believe I am going to do such a naughty thing while our children are sleeping upstairs." Tracy said with embarrassment.

"Baby, I love you so much." David took her into his arms and kissed her. "When you put on that outfit, also wear your strappy, open-toed heels, fix your hair and put on a little makeup also. When you come down, I want you to look really hot for that jerk...put you on display for a man you barely know" he whispered lustily to her. She just nodded.

"Now let's go and you tell him that you are going to do it." David said to his wife and before she could pull away he grabbed her hand and began pulling.

Roberto was waiting expectantly while sipping on the beer. He smirked when he saw Tracy come back with David. Right away he noticed her flushed face and her hardened pink nipples that looked more prominent now through the top.

Watching the smirk on Roberto's face really irked Tracy.

"You going to model for me baby?"

Tracy shivered at Roberto's use of a familiar term to address her.

"Okay...I will go put on an outfit and shut you up for good." She said with annoyance. "But you better not move from that armchair." She warned him while taking notice of that bulge now so obviously visible going down his left leg.

"That is perfectly fine." Roberto responded. "So to show you the affect you are having on us...both of us will get naked and wait for you. You know that is the easiest and only way for you to see what you are doing to us when you strut in front of us wearing that sheer baby doll and thong."

'Naked?' Tracy was completely shocked by what Roberto had proposed and did not like what he was proposing but could not think of any alternative way.

“You'll be naked? Both of you?” She looked at her husband to see if he was confirming this, and got a shrug in return.

“Yes, answered Roberto. We'll both be naked and you will be able to see us and compare how you are affecting our thinking.”

Tracy had fixated on one word he had said. 'Compare.'

"David, you want another man to be...naked in front of me? To be showing me what he has, when he's maybe...erect?" David nodded. He barely moved his head, but it was enough for her to read his intention. Tracy again took a look at Roberto's bulge, as if confirming in her mind she was not imagining things.

Knowing that Roberto was saying that his and her husband's erections would be on open display, Tracy nodded, feeling excited now. Her curiosity about that bulge might be satisfied, for sure.

She stammered. "I...I guess that will be OK as long as you stay in that armchair." She pointed her finger at Roberto to add emphasis.

Roberto was pleased that the beautiful blonde wife appeared to be agreeing to his proposal. He knew that what he was going to propose next was going to be tricky to get Tracy to accept.

"So how will we know what is going on with you once you see that you have given us a serious case of blue balls?" Roberto asked with a grin.

"I think you will be the only one with blue balls." She said as she looked at David and smiled. "And as far as you knowing how I will be affected...I will tell you how I feel."

Roberto snickered and said, "No I do not think that will would I know that you are being truthful. I think one of us needs to touch you and see if you are wet. That is the only way to be sure." Roberto proposed.

Tracy trembled inwardly. She knew that what Roberto was saying would be true. She would be wet to the touch.

"No, are not touching me. In fact you have to give your word that you will not move from the armchair." Responded Tracy with alarm.

"Alright...I won't touch you or move from the armchair." He said with a self-satisfied tone. "But your husband can touch you...but I need to see his fingers after they have been inside you to see if they are wet and shiny." Roberto said.

Tracy visualized that in her mind. Her husband with his fingers all wet after being inside her, in front of this lout. But she also found it to be arousing. "Fine...but David will not touch me, pull my panties down in front of you." said Tracy.

"That is not good...It needs to happen right front of me. just turn your back to me while he puts his fingers inside you." Roberto was thinking that he had her.

Tracy shook her head in disapproval but suddenly David said, "That is fine sweetheart, you just turn your back to him...lets us get it over with."

Tracy was thinking that this might be the dumbest thing she has ever done, but she couldn't say No. Not after seeing how excited David is.

"Alright...if that is what you want." Tracy said reluctantly while looking at her husband. She knew, already, she will be wet.

"You know I am going to really show you how wrong you are." Roberto snickered.

"Whatever...we will find out soon enough." Saying that, Tracy left.

She was feeling aroused and was not worried if she was about to be proved wrong. She just wanted Roberto to leave so that she could make love to her husband.

Make horny love to her husband while knowing her excitement had been because of her posing for this rude and cocky man. At this moment Tracy still had no thoughts or intentions to cheat on her husband. Not now, not ever.

With Tracy out of the room, Roberto saw his chance. The fact that he could see a bulge in David's pants added to his confidence. “You know David, there is a good chance you can watch your wife being fucked tonight if you help. I know you like watching your woman get fucked."

He whispered to David, whose face was red. "It will be hot watching your pretty wife getting fucked by another man under your own roof." He was pushing all the right buttons. “What would be the best? Maybe if I fuck her in your marriage bed?”

David's cock twitched hearing the words.

"We both know you want to see it, your wife under me with her legs up around me and my cock deep inside her." Roberto pressed on.

"What do you want me to do?" David's throat felt dry and his heart was beating wildly as he asked Roberto. He knew now, there was no stopping the inevitable. If Roberto has the effect on his wife like had happened to his girlfriend in college, Roberto would be knowing his wife in the most carnal of ways.

Also, David knew, ruining his wife, her innocence, her faithfulness to her husband, forever. And in the process, giving her the fucking of a lifetime, something he could never match.

Just like that, so easy, David had given in and Roberto had taken charge.

Roberto smirked at him. "When you touch your wife...don't simply touch her. While she is standing in front or you, put at least two fingers all the way inside her cunt...rub her clit. Finger fuck her and kiss her hard.

She's not stupid and will know what you are trying to do. She'll know you want her to fuck me. At that point she either resists or allows it to happen. I'm betting she does not resist.

You know she will be wet...just get her more wet. Maybe make her cum on your fingers right in front of me and I will do the rest."

"Okay." David's depraved desires were completely controlling him now.

Both of them proceeded to get naked.

There had been some changes over time. David could not help but notice the Latin man's big beer belly and his hairy body. Even his back and buttocks were covered with hair. He had seen Roberto naked before but did not remember him to be this hairy.

There was one thing about Roberto though that David had not forgotten. Roberto's uncut cock. How big it is, and how his girlfriend had been cumming with it, over and over.

Now David was seeing it again, and knew that soon, his wife will be seeing it also. Roberto's cock was darker and uncircumcised unlike his own cock. Soft, Roberto and David looked to be about two to three inches different in length, with Roberto longer and looking a bit thicker, but David was remembering what happens when Roberto gets hard, how long and thick he can grow.

When hard, Roberto had David beat length-wise by maybe three inches. But the other difference in their cocks was more significant. The thickness. Here, David knew, Roberto really had him beat. That difference could be seen even now while both men were still relatively soft, as Roberto's cock came into view.

David knew that his wife would see that feature instantly. There was no missing how thick it looks soft, and then of course, when it gets hard, it gets thicker. David knew, this night, it might be quite a while before Tracy sees Roberto's cock in any other stage than erect. Already, as David stared, it was growing.

David didn't know if Roberto had any any leanings toward being gay, but it was obvious that his staring at Roberto's cock was making it get hard.

Now fully erect, Roberto's cock was thicker. Much thicker then David, and darker-skinned as well. Also Roberto has these balls. His hairy balls were big and hung low like a bull's.

As David stared at Roberto, his cock twitched thinking that this will be not only the first strange cock for his wife, but her first interracial cock as well.
Roberto caught him staring and snickered. "Yes David, it's just as large as you remember it. You know what it can do to your woman. Soon David you will see this cock buried inside your wife...I am going to make her my married white slut." He said as he grabbed his hard cock.

David knew that if he allows this to happen, his marriage will be forever altered, yet he could not say no. My wife, my beautiful until now innocent and faithful wife, being expertly fucked in every imaginable way by this big brute of a man.

They both sat down and sipped on beer while waiting for Tracy.

It took a while, while David's cock actually rose to full length and then went down, but not before Roberto had seen it and told David to give it a stroke or two 'so I can better see what your wife is used to getting before tonight.”

Trying to make his cock look as large as possible, David had slid forward on the couch and sort of pushing his hips into the air, gave his rigid meat one stroke, then two, and pre-fluid had ran down his shaft, covering his fingers. He placed his fingers around his shaft, down at the base and squeezed, trying to ******* the ******* to go up into his cock and enlarge it. Rising his hips off the couch, he displayed it as best he could for Roberto, even waving it back and forth at the end.

“Oh David David, it's so hard it looks like your cock is dying to cum. Save it and sometime after I have fucked your lovely wife for a while, let it go, on her body might be fun. We could watch her rub it into her tits maybe, or when I'm through with her, you can have sloppy seconds.”

All conversation ceased now as they both held their rigid cocks and waited. It took a while.

After about ten minutes they heard Tracy yell 'Ready?' From the top of the stairs.

“Come on baby,” Roberto answered, beating David to the punch. “We're ready for you.”

Instantly, both men, their cocks more hard than soft, rose to attention, their cocks, as they heard her come down the stairs. When she walked into the living room both men could not keep their eyes off her. Their hard cocks twitched seeing the vision of hotness in front of them.

The sheer light blue baby doll just came down down halfway to her round bubble butt and with it she wore a light blue thong. Her long, smooth, creamy legs looked sexy with the strappy open-toed heels she was wearing.

Roberto liked that she had taken time to fix her hair and put on makeup.

Tracy had stopped in mid-step and was staring. Neither man was touching his cock at the moment. She was staring at their hard cocks, with most of her attention going in Roberto's direction.

Tracy spoke softly. “That's not fair. Both of you are already erect, and you were supposed to hold off on that so I could see how I was affecting you.” She had fully taken in the view of Roberto's almost eight inch length and then looked away so that he would not see how seeing that affected her. She didn't know that Roberto still has more to grow.

Even now, Tracy felt embarrassed standing almost naked in front of a man she barely knows. Without even looking at Roberto, she turned and faced her husband with her back towards Roberto. Her husband was rock hard and his face was a mask of lust as he took his cock in his hand and displayed it for her.

Tracy knew, if she was to turn and look at Roberto, that he too would almost certainly grab his cock in hand and display it for her.

"Baby you look so hot...turn around and let Roberto see you." David said to her.

Reluctantly she turned and faced the swarthy, pot bellied Latin man. Sure enough, he also had his cock in hand and was displaying it.

“That's it baby. Pose for me while I stroke my meat and grow bigger for you.”

'Bigger,' she thought? 'How much bigger?'

She was astonished to see the amount of hair on his body. Never before had she seen such a hairy man. It was also the first time she was seeing a dark-skinned man naked, or any adult man for that matter.

There was no ignoring it as her attention was drawn to Roberto's dark, uncircumcised, hard cock which he was gently stroking. His foreskin was getting stretched over the thick, bulbous dark cock head. Without even thinking she compared his cock to her husband's. The cocks were noticeably different in appearance.

Besides the fact that Roberto had foreskin that was covering and then uncovering the head, was the obvious difference in length, Roberto's cock also looked a lot thicker. Also his cock had thick veins running all over it. His balls were bigger than her husbands and were hanging low like that of a breeding bull.

She saw that his almost eight inches had grown to almost nine, and sucked in her breath at the thought of maybe taking that. And that head, looking so thick.

She was mesmerized by his hard cock and started breathing a bit harder as she felt moisture seep into the folds of her pussy. Without even realizing it thoughts came into her mind about how the cock and his balls would feel in her hand, in her mouth.

And maybe in her pussy.

"Like what you see?" Roberto asked as he continued stroking his hard manhood, confident in the knowledge that he is putting on display something much more substantial than what her husband has to offer.

Caught staring, his question brought her out of her reverie. She realized immediately that she needs to stop this madness because she was becoming a bit too aroused.

Too aroused would mean she could no longer control herself.

Tracy sighed, but her eyes never left that cock. There was no use being coy and trying to pretend to not see the obvious. “OK Roberto. You've managed to show me your cock and how large it is. And yes, I can see that it is far larger than David's in length and width. Is that what you hoped to do?”

Roberto's chest swelled with pride. Tracy had not only admitted that she had taken notice of how large his cock is, but she had used the term 'far larger' in comparing him to her husband.

“Of course baby, it's really big, and you wanted to see it, I know you did.”

Tracy licked her lips as she turned sideways and looked away from Roberto. "Okay guys you have had your fun." She hesitated and then said shyly, "And I am willing to admit that I was wrong...wearing sexy lingerie does make me feel turns me on seeing the kind of affect it has on a man." She glanced again at Roberto. “On two men.

You have proved yourself correct you should leave." Saying that she turned her back to him.

"It seems you have gotten turned on by seeing our hard cocks." Roberto seemed completely unperturbed by what Tracy had just said. "But we still need to make sure that you are really wet...that is what you had agreed to. You have seen us get hard watching you display your hot we need to see also that you are wet." He said to her bluntly. "Do you agree David?"

David was filled with apprehension hearing the question. He had heard his wife admit that she was aware now of how much larger Roberto is than he, and he had detected the excitement that, though she was trying to hide it, he heard in her voice.

David was feeling anxiety thinking about this man again ravishing his woman but at the same time the thought excited him as well.

Tracy looked at her husband. She was afraid that her husband would agree with Roberto. She had never before seen so much hunger, lust, and desire in her husband's eyes.

Her husband locked eyes with her and said, " are right Roberto...we need to see if she is wet also."

'*******. He's going to do it.' Tracy bit her lower lips gently as her husband stood up. She turned to face him and noticed his hard almost 7 inch cock wobble as David stepped towards her. "David used to look so large to me,' she was thinking. He took her into her arms and grabbed her round, fleshy, ass cheeks. David kneaded her ass lustily as he started kissing his wife hungrily.

She had expected fingers penetrating in order to display wetness, and not the kissing. "He's doing his best to arouse me.' She knew for sure now, 'my husband wants to see me being fucked by another man. And why would he want me to feel a cock so much larger than his in my vagina?'

"Are you wet baby?" David asked her hoarsely.

"Yes, of course I am wet...send Roberto away and we can go to our bedroom." She whispered to him with excitement. "Like we planned."

Her whispered plea did no good. David had one thing on his mind now, seeing his wife fucking Roberto. Or more to the point, seeing Roberto fucking his wife.

"You have seen what affect you have on he should also get to see what kind of affect his hard, dark cock has on my wife's pussy." She shivered ******* upon hearing David's lustful response.

"Baby...what are you trying to do? Please no...let us stop now." Her eyes met David's as she pleaded but her voice betrayed her excitement.

He cupped his wife's pussy over the gusset of the panties. The gusset was wet with her secretions and he could feel the heat emanating from her sex.

David looked into the eyes of his wife and moved the gusset aside exposing her smooth, completely shaved pussy. He ran his fingers between her pinky pussy lips and felt her clitoris which was swollen and hard and very sensitive. He rubbed her clit as Tracy moaned softly.

She gasped when he gently inserted two fingers inside her. The fingers slid in easily which inflamed his arousal even more. Her head was close to his and she whispered softly, only loud enough for David to hear. “Honey, what are you doing to me in front of him? Why honey, why?”

David ignored her soft plea. Locking eyes with her, he slowly withdrew his fingers and shoved it back in his wife's pussy making her gasp again. She was panting now and her face was flushed with excitement.

" no...don't do that." She pleaded with a quavering voice.

"Why? like being finger fucked." David was breathing hard with excitement. He again withdrew his fingers and shoved them back inside her wet, receptive fuck hole. She gasped and moaned loudly and her mouth remained slightly open. Both the men could smell her arousal now.

As David continued finger fucking his wife, tremors of pleasure coursed through her body and she moved her feet further apart to give better access to her husband.

Roberto could not hold himself back any longer. Knowing she is ready, Roberto stood up and getting behind her grabbed her hips. Then he began kissing her long slender neck. Oh oh, her secret place.

His promise to remain in the armchair was broken.

Tracy was startled by his touch but too aroused to stop him. Her husband was making her lose control by his ministrations.. She looked at her husband and then turned her face sideways to look at Roberto.

She knew now, being this far along, with actual contact between she and Roberto, they are going to be fucking, but still, she needs to put up some resistance.

Even through her haze of arousal, she protested, "No Roberto...please were not going to touch." She said with labored breaths.

"Well...I lied." Saying that he locked his lips with hers. She tried to resist but the lusty Latin man grabbed her tits over the flimsy baby doll and pinched her sensitive hard pink nipples. She moaned and her body completely capitulated to the ministrations of both the men.

Already, just that quick, she had known, and now they know. She is going to be fucked by Roberto.

She hungrily kissed back this man she barely knows. Both of their tongues dueled, sucked on each others tongues, lips. A lusty, hungry, sloppy kiss. Already she was being fucked, by his huge tongue in her willing mouth.

Watching his loving wife being kissed by another man drove David crazy with lust and he started finger fucking her harder, making squelching noises emanate from her pussy. Soon she moaned loudly into Roberto's mouth, she convulsed and then her body went rigid as she came hard on her husband's fingers.

Tracy tightly held on to her husband as she came down from the orgasmic high. David withdrew his fingers from his wife's pussy which were drenched with her fuck juices. He licked his fingers, tasting her as his wife looked at him through glazed eyes.

She felt so weak she could barely stand.

David then gently moved his wife's arms from around his neck and sat down on the couch. This shocked her. Before, it had been sharing, her husband there to aid and comfort her. Now the harsh reality hit home.

'I have been left standing alone on the floor with Roberto. Apparently abandoned by my husband so he can sit back and watch. I am alone, to be seduced, to be kissed, fondled, fingered, and fucked. All by myself, just me and this big brute of a man. This brute of a man with a huge cock.

'Oh why David, why? Why are you allowing this? Don't you know what my having him inside me might do to my thought process?'

Tracy gently bit her lower lip as she stared at her husband. A shiver went through her body at the realization that her married pussy is going to be used by another man for the first time.

"Enjoy the show man" Roberto smirked as he grabbed Tracy's tits from behind and she felt his hard cock on her bare ass cheeks. "I am thoroughly going to enjoy fucking your wife...turning her into my slut." Tracy flinched hearing the crude words.

'He owns me. My husband has given me over to be used by this crude man in any manner he desires.'

Roberto then proceeded to take off the baby doll and threw it at David. Then he squatted behind the blonde beauty and pulled down her thong.

"I love taking the panties off married women." Roberto grinned lecherously at David.

"Damn man...this bitch has the finest bubble butt I have ever seen." He said to David as he took off his wife's panties.

Since her seated husband was not close enough to reach, Tracy put her hands on Roberto's hairy shoulder for support as she stepped out of the panties. "The bitch is really creaming." Said Roberto as he felt the wetness on the panties and then threw them at David.

"So how does it feel watching another man take off your wife's clothes?" Roberto questioned with a sblackman.

David knew his answer was not really expected and he had none to give.

"Man this bitch has a fine body...even after two *******...damn man...flat stomach, firm titties, nice ass, toned long legs, creamy smooth skin...this body is made to be used as a cum dump." He said as he admired the hot body of David's wife. "I like it when a woman keeps her pussy completely shaved...smooth."

Tracy felt completely humiliated by the way this crass man was inspecting her body. She felt like a piece of meat which was being evaluated to serve the only purpose of satiating a man's sexual needs. Despite her disgust her pussy released more moisture.

After admiring her body, Roberto hugged her from behind. His pot belly touched her back and she felt the tip of his hard cock on the upper swell of her ass. She felt a slight tickle as Roberto's extensive body hair touched her smooth, creamy skin.

"You like seeing your naked wife being held by another man? A naked man with a big, hard cock?" Asked Roberto as he watched David over the shoulder of his wife.

David nodded as he gently stroked his cock while watching the svelte body of his wife being embraced by the swarthy, pot bellied man with a receding hairline.

It was arousing to see the contrast between his wife and Roberto. The hairy, pot bellied, out of shape, swarthy man with the creamy, smooth skinned, svelte, blonde beauty.

" is hot seeing my wife with another man." He huskily said.

"Just wait till you see your slut wife stuffed full of my dark meat...making the bitch moan with pleasure." Roberto said crudely. "You are just going to lose it." He grinned.

Tracy pictured that in her mind, Roberto's dark meat in her pussy, and her heart fluttered at the thought.

Roberto started kissing her neck making Tracy whimper. "I am going to mark your wife." Roberto said lustily as he started sucking on the juncture where her slender neck met the shoulder. As Roberto gave Tracy her first hickey, he grabbed her small, firm tits and started squeezing them, pinching the hard pink nipples.

Being used roughly for the first time ever, Tracy whimpered loudly and started breathing hard due to the pleasurable sensations that were coursing through her body. Her eyes glazed over as more and more moisture was secreted by her pussy.

When Roberto removed his mouth David saw the hickey on his wife's neck. He groaned seeing that his wife had been marked by another man. That hickey would take three, maybe four days, maybe even a week to disappear, a visual reminder in the meantime as to how she had been used and abused.

" it is time for you to take care of my cock." Roberto growled at her and he roughly turned her around and pushed her down.

Tracy submissively got on her knees and took his hard, dark, uncircumcised cook in her dainty hands. Her eyes grew wide as she gently moved her hands up and down on the hard cock and began feeling the thick veins along the shaft.

Two hands she was automatically using, unlike with David where it probably would be one hand.
She was mesmerized by the dark cock, it was so unlike the only other cock she had ever held in her hands. Despite its coarse appearance, the cock skin felt so velvety.

Pre-cum dribbled out of David's cock when he saw his wife's left hand on the hard, dark cock. Seeing his wife's engagement ring and wedding band next to another man's cock was very arousing.

“You feel so big Roberto, and what's under here?” With a curious expression on her face, Tracy pulled the foreskin down exposing the thick cock head which was leaking pre-cum.

“So this is what's under here. Very impressive Roberto.” Now it was sounding like Tracy is beginning to enjoy herself as her confidence began to return.

"Lick it bitch." Roberto said to her.

The crude and degrading way he was talking to her was actually turning her on. She stuck her tongue out and licked the leaking pre-cum.
It tasted good. Then she proceeded to take the fat cock head in her mouth. She felt and tasted more of his body fluids. “Mmm mmm good,” she mumbled, more letting her husband know how this is affecting her maybe even more than Roberto.

She sucked lustily, accepting his body fluids into the upper part of her body before taking them into her lower.

As Tracy started sucking on Roberto's cock, David noticed her puffy pussy lips peeking between her thighs. The pussy lips were glistening with moisture. It was a very erotic sight and he was overcome with lust. He wanted to touch his wife's wet pussy.

David quickly got down behind his wife, on his knees, and cupped her wet sex. He ran his fingers between the swollen, wet pussy lips, eliciting a moan from his wife.

No longer being left alone with Roberto, Tracy stopped sucking on the cock and looked back at her husband. Her face was flushed with arousal. A strand of saliva trailed from her lip to the dark cock head.

Without even thinking David suddenly locked lips with her as his fingers penetrated her pussy lips. He tasted Roberto's pre-fluid.

He started kissing her hungrily as he finger fucked her. David was out of his mind with lust as he sucked on the tongue and lips that just had been wrapped around another man's cock.

It was just too much stimulation for Tracy as she orgasmed the second time on her husband's fingers. She loudly grunted into her husband's mouth as her pussy ejaculated, spraying fluid for the first time ever.

Her body shaking, Tracy let go of Roberto's cock and tightly grabbed his hips as her body convulsed due to the intense sensations. David held her body, preventing his wife from collapsing on the floor.

As she came down from her orgasmic high, Tracy looked at her husband through her heavily lidded eyes and whispered, "I love you baby." And then kissed him lustily.

Suddenly Roberto grabbed her silky blonde hair and roughly jerked her head, making her break the kiss. "Bitch you had enough fun with your service my cock." He sneered at her. Then he gave David an angry, hard look.

David got angry seeing the rough way Roberto treated his wife. He looked back at Roberto angrily also. Tracy saw and did not want anything to interfere with what she now planned to do.

"Baby it is okay...I am fine. Now go sit on the couch." Tracy said to him in a husky voice. She was breathing hard. Looking at the look on her face David was shocked to realize that his wife was actually being turned on by the rough treatment and the crude language.

So turned on that she was sending her husband away, so to speak.

"Now slut show me how you suck cock." Roberto said to her while knowing that he has complete possession of this wife as she had dismissed her husband to go 'sit in the corner.'.

She licked his hard cock up and down and then took his uncircumcised cock into her pretty mouth. She bobbed up and down on his hard dark meat. David looked intently as his wife pleasured another man with her mouth. He knew that his wife was really good at giving head. In fact she truly enjoyed having a cock in her mouth.

Soon she had the entire head and a little more of his cock inside her mouth and was trying really hard to deepthroat. Roberto was watching her attempts at swallowing his cock intently.

"Yes slut...suck it good. That's it. You love my dark married whore...don't you?" He growled at her. "Take it completely in."

Nodding her head up and down as she sucking. Slowly she was able to take almost half his cock inside her mouth. David noticed his wife was able to slowly control her gag reflex and relax her throat muscles. His cock twitched seeing almost so much of Roberto's cock buried in his wife's pretty face.

Then, quickly, she pulled her mouth off and licked all the way down his shaft, not coming to a stop until her pert, cute nose was buried in Roberto's thick curly pubic hairs at the base of his cock.

"Damn man...this bitch is one fine cock sucker. A true slut." Roberto said ecstatically as he looked at David. "Not bad at all. Too bad you've had her cooped up for so many years."

Then Roberto grabbed her hair roughly and pulled her off his cock. "A beautiful face like looks better while getting face fucked." He said aggressively. "Remove your hands from my cock and keep your mouth open. Hold on to my ass...I am going to face fuck you."

Tracy did as he asked and put her hands on his hairy ass.

Roberto kept holding her hair and slowly inserted his cock into her open mouth and then withdrew it. He slowly moved his cock in and out of her mouth a few times and then he got aggressive with her.

He started using her mouth like a fuckhole.

It was like he was pounding her pretty face with his cock. Making her gag and ******* . She spit every time she choked on his cock and he would pull out giving her an opportunity to catch her breath. But then he would ram his cock right back down her throat. Roberto kept on fucking her mouth brutally as her face got flushed and tears ran down from her watering eyes.

David was initially concerned when she choked and gagged for the first time and then he realized that his wife was not distressed. He stroked his cock as his wife was being used like a slut by a man she barely knows.

She wasn't swallowing all nine plus inches, but to David, it looked like she was taking near seven.

The mom of his children looked like a two bit whore as she was roughly face fucked by a man whom she had known for less than half a day. His prim, proper, well-educated wife turned into a slut. He watched in astonishment as her beautiful face got coated with the slimy mix of saliva and pre-cum.

"Your wife handles cock better than paid whores...she is the best cocksucker I have ever had...even better than Jenny." Roberto taunted David. "Look at your wife's face...looks like a disgusting fuck pig. She acted like she was better than I am going to fuck her right off her high horse." he said vindictively., “and do it in front of her husband.”

Then he pulled her off his cock and said, "Suck my hairy balls now." He held his cock up as Tracy bent down to suck on his hairy, wrinkled, nut sacs. She obediently licked his balls, took his balls one by one in her mouth and sucked on them. Roberto moaned with pleasure.

After some time he made her stop sucking on his balls and barked at her, "Look up your mouth."

She did as he told her and opened her mouth. Roberto promptly spit into her open mouth.

David was shocked seeing this depravity but his cock twitched when Tracy did not object and swallowed his spit.

"That is like a good little you like sucking on my cock bitch?" He snarled at her.

She just kept looking up at him and did not respond. Roberto slapped her and her right cheek instantly turned red. Tracy was stunned by the stinging pain but instead of getting angry, she felt humiliated and even more aroused.

David was shocked too and felt angry. He stood up while continuing to stroke his hard cock. He felt as if he should do something but simply froze.

"Pinche perra...puta...answer like my cock?" He asked aggressively using Spanish expletives.

She was panting hard and did not answer. Roberto again slapped her. This time her left cheek which also turned red instantly. She felt her pussy pulse.

" better stop." David said angrily as he stepped forward.

But Roberto was completely unruffled. "Relax man...this dumb bitch likes it rough." He was enjoying humiliating the pretty, blonde wife. "Look at her...look at the fucking cunt" He said to David.

When David looked at her, he was shocked to see his wife rubbing her pussy. His hard cock throbbed as he sat back down on the couch.

David grabbed her hair and jerk her head back roughly. "Tell me fuck like my cock?" He snarled at her.

"Yes." She responded.

"Yes what bitch?...say the complete thing...tell me like you mean it. Tell me how much you like my dark, Mexican cock." Saying that he slapped her again.

She felt completely humiliated and all her self-respect was gone now. She looked up at him and said, "I love your dark Mexican cock...I love having it in my mouth."

"Dumb your mouth." She submissively opened her mouth and Roberto again spit in her mouth. Then Roberto turned around and sat down on the armchair.

"Bring your worthless ass over here." He ordered. "Fucking married white whore...crawl to me on your hands and a dog." He was completely humiliating the proud woman.

Tracy's intellect was completely repulsed by the arousal coursing through her body. It seemed as if her body had a mind of its own. She did as Roberto had ordered. She crawled to him as he sat arrogantly on the armchair.

"What you waiting for you dumb cunt?...start servicing my cock." He said aggressively to her and again slapped her. Without showing any reaction she started sucking on his thick cock. After sucking on his cock for a little bit, he ordered her to suck on his balls.

She bent below and started pleasuring his wrinkly, hairy balls. She swirled the tip of her tongue around the ball sac. Licked his dark, almost black balls like it was cone of ice cream. Took each ball one by one all the way into her mouth, sucked on them. Licked the vertical line in the middle of his scrotal sac.

Roberto moaned loudly with pleasure. "Damn David...your wife is the finest cock sucker and ball licker known to man. See how much effort she is putting into it. You are married to a true cock lover." He snickered.

After enjoying the twin ball for couple of minutes, Roberto stopped Tracy and stood up. He grabbed her blonde hair and roughly jerked her head up. "Stand little slut."

Tracy submissively did as he asked. Roberto dragged her by her hair to where her husband was sitting and threw her face down on the seat cushion next to him. She fell down clumsily with her face on the seat, her knees on the floor. She looked so undignified.

David's heart sank watching his sexy, elegant wife being man handled so roughly. She was truly being handled like a piece of meat. When he looked at her face all he saw was lust. She was very aroused.

Suddenly Roberto slapped her ass. "Bitch on your feet...stand up and bend down...keep your legs straight and your face needs to be on the seat cushion." He ordered.

She was getting on her feet slowly when Roberto again slapped her ass. She yelped loudly and lost her footing. She fell down on the floor clumsily. David had never known his wife to look so un lady like.

Ever since David has known his wife she had always exuded class and elegance. A woman with high morals and high self-esteem. Everyone knows her as a loving wife and a wonderful mom, a respectable member of her church.

David thought that his wife even managed to look elegant when she got down and dirty with him in bed.

But tonight a crass and arrogant man was treating her like a cheap whore. This man heaped humiliation on her and she accepted it without any protest. He had slapped her around, spanked her, spit on and in her, dragged her by her hair but she did not even try to stop him. It seemed that this woman David was seeing had no self-respect and dignity.

Roberto bent down and slapped her face. "Bitch you can't even stand ass slut." He said angrily and again slapped her. He then grabbed her hair again and pulled her up roughly by it. She looked like a complete mess, like trash, David thought. Even through all this his wife did not lose the cum on face. The horny look she had on her face.

Roberto held her as he ****** her to bend at her waist with her face on the seat cushion and turned sideways towards her husband. Her face had turned completely red due to being slapped so many times. The horny Latin man positioned himself behind the bent blonde beauty. He felt her pussy which was leaking copious amounts of her fuck juices.

"Damn man...your wife really wants to be fucked." He said to David. He lined up his fat cock with her wet slit and with one savage thrust made Tracy almost scream as he stretched and filled her up with his pelvis smashing into her fleshy, creamy, round ass.

Shocked at the feeling of being penetrated so abruptly with so much warm meat, Tracy began gasping loudly and her mouth opened wide. Her hands reached out desperately to grab something. She got hold of her husband's hand and the other other hand clawed at the cushion cover.

'Oh David my poor naïve husband. You have no idea how his big cock is affecting me!' She had thought it, but had not voiced it out loud.

No sooner had Roberto penetrated her completely when she was cumming hard. Tracy stretched out on her toes, her body writhed and she groaned loudly as waves of orgasmic pleasure coursed through her body again and again.

"Damn bitch you must have been right on the edge." Saying that Roberto smacked her ass hard making her yelp. She moaned loudly and buried her face in the cushion as she started squirting. Another intense orgasm coursed through her body. She squeezed her husband's hand so tightly that it hurt.

David's mouth was wide in surprise at seeing his wife squirting for the first times.

Fluid from her pussy started leaking out from around the embedded cock of Roberto. Her body convulsed as she struggled to stay on her feet. Roberto held her in place as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her mouth stayed wide open and she kept making unintelligible noises. Roberto could feel her pussy pulse and clamp around his cock.

David could not keep it inside. "You're making my wife squirt Roberto. She's never squirted before."

"That's because your wife really needed my cock man." Roberto said to David while grinning. "Her pussy has been needing this all the years of her married life." Both men watched in amazement as the the carpet got soaked due to the fluids ejaculating from Tracy's pussy.

Slowly the intense sensations subsided and Tracy stopped convulsing. Roberto had kept his dark cock buried in the blonde wife. He slowly withdrew his cock, keeping just the tip of his cock inside and then savagely slammed the entire length of his 9 inch cock back inside her.

Tracy gasped loudly as Roberto bottomed out in her pussy and his pelvis slammed on her ass again. He then again slowly withdrew his cock and Tracy whimpered in anticipation as she looked back at Roberto. He gave her an arrogant smile and again slammed his hard cock into her, pushing her face into the cushion.

“Tell your husband bitch how much you like my big Mexican cock, so much larger than his. Go on, tell him and say it loud so I can hear it.”

As she began speaking, Roberto started slamming his cock into her. “Ooh oooh David. His uuuh uuh b...b..big c...cock feels so...uuuh fucking...go...go...good! It' uuh uuh, feels much...b...b...better!”

Her voice had been jerky, her words dis-jointed, but David understood every word. His wife likes that big Mexican cock and she had just told him if feels better than his. Never, he knew, will she be able to take saying that back later.

“That's right bitch. Now your loving husband knows. Your pussy has been ruined by my big Mexican cock and every time your husband uses his smaller cock in your pussy, you will be thinking of how much better my cock felt and made you cum. Cum and squirt.”

He laughed. "Later tonight, or maybe tomorrow, you'll try telling David that you were acting some, and that my cock really didn't feel that much better than his, and that you love him and that a strange man like Roberto could never top the fucking you receive in bed from your husband, but he'll know, just like we all know now, how much better my cock feels stretching your married pussy.

You might tell him that your orgasms with me weren't any better than his, but it will do no good because I'm making you squirt, and you can't hide how much I'm making you cum."

"Roberto," David said, breaking in, "I can't believe that my wife is taking your cock all the way like that, even when you're banging it into her."

"That might be what she likes the most, when I'm giving her the big meat real hard, like this!" Then Roberto once again slammed his pelvis against her ass, driving his penis deep as Tracy groaned in pleasure.

Then he slowed his pace a bit, running his cock slowly back and forth, going deep and coming almost all the way out, making her feel the length of his cock as each inch moved back and forth. After repeating his actions a few more times, Roberto started fucking her hard and fast. Again and again his pelvis slammed into her ass. The living room was filled with the noise of flesh hitting flesh and the loud moaning, groaning and grunting emanating from Tracy's mouth.

She was being thoroughly used like a slut. David just sat there stroking his cock while another man used his wife like his personal slut toy. He bent down and gently kissed her reddened right cheek as his wife was lost in the ******* of a lusty fuck. She was writhing as the animalistic mating went on unabated.

Soon she was in the throes of another intense orgasm and Roberto kept fucking her through the intense sensations.

"Please stop...please stop...Roberto please stop...I need a break." She said through labored breathing. "Ah...Ahh...hmmmph...I am still cumming." She tried to move but Roberto held her in place.

She raised her head up and Roberto immediately grabbed her neck and pushed her face back down onto the cushion. Her face was again on the seat cushion turned towards her husband.
"You fucking worthless whore...keep your face down." He said breathlessly and then raised his right foot and planted it on her face. Now Roberto's left foot was on the floor and his right foot on Tracy's face. Her husband just sat right next to her face looking at the humiliating sight while continuing to hold his wife's hand.

Roberto kept fucking her roughly. "What a nasty whore you have married David...she is worse than Jenny. A fucking tramp." He taunted.

"You worthless piece of fuck meat tell your husband what you are." He snarled at her and spanked her ass.

She yelped and submissively said, "I am a slut." Another orgasm was about to engulf her. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she pushed her ass back onto Roberto.

"Yes you are...all you are good for is for men to stick their cocks in your are just a cum dumpster...a fucking dumb whore." He growled. He was close to cumming.

He suddenly removed his foot from her face, withdrew his cock and grabbed her hair. He roughly dragged her off the couch. "Get on your knees slut...I am going to cum in your mouth. You are going to ******* my your mouth dumb cunt." His uncut cock was coated a slimy, white colored fluid mix.

She opened her mouth and he stuck his cock in which started erupting immediately. "******* all of my baby making juice you cum dump whore." He said to her lustily.

David watched his wife's throat muscles work hard to swallow Roberto's cum and also noticed Roberto's shaft and balls pulse and contract as he ejaculated. It was a heavy load and some of the sticky fluid leaked out of his wife's mouth onto her chin.

After Roberto emptied his balls, he pulled his cock out her mouth and stumbled back, collapsing on the armchair. He basically sprawled out on it. He was out of breath and his body was covered with sweat.

"Damn...this slut really drained my balls." He said while breathing hard. For all three of them it was one of the most intense sexual experiences, especially for Roberto and Tracy.

They both were completely worn out.

Tracy had also collapsed on the floor. She had laid down on the floor on her back with one arm over her eyes. Her beautiful svelte body was covered in a sheen of sweat. Her breathing was ragged.

David went to his wife and removed her arm from her eyes. She gave her husband an ashamed look. Looking at her David was shocked to see how red her cheeks were. He noticed the sticky cum on her chin and a pubic hair stuck on his wife's lip.

He removed the coarse, curly hair from her lip and asked, "Are you alright sweetheart?" His voice was filled with tenderness. "You look so beautiful."

She smiled at her husband awkwardly and just nodded. Her silky, blonde hair was all disheveled. He gently pushed the hair away from her face and moved forward to kiss her.

She stopped him with an alarmed look on her face, "What are you doing?...I am not saw what he did." She felt humiliated.

"I don't care...I just want to kiss my wife." David said lustily and locked lips with his wife. He kissed her passionately and moved on top of her. His cock throbbed with arousal as he tasted Roberto's cock and cum on his wife's mouth.

Tracy spread her legs for her husband and grabbing his cock she guided it to her sopping wet pussy.

"Make love to me sweetheart" She whispered.

His body sweaty and trembling, David hurriedly aimed and dived.

“Oh honey. I'm so sorry, but I can barely feel you now,” Tracy said sadly to her husband. Yet, somehow, she sensed that might be what he wants to hear.

“That's alright baby. In time you'll be back to normal.” David gently and lovingly made love to the love of his life. But he was just too aroused and did not last long. After two minutes, despite how loose she felt, he erupted inside her.

"Sorry sweetheart...I was just too aroused." He said to her.

She breathed a sigh of relief that her husband had managed an orgasm with her being so loose. To her, it had been like they were almost not in contact with one another.

"That is okay...don't worry." She lovingly responded as David rolled off her. Roberto just watched the husband and wife lazily from the armchair.

Tracy stood up shyly while cupping her pussy. She did not want David's cum to leak onto the carpet.

"I will clean up and check on the *******." She said with an embarrassed tone while completely avoiding looking at Roberto. It was over now, and David's heart sank thinking about his children sleeping upstairs while their mom was being fucked like a cheap whore downstairs.

Both the men watched her delectable ass undulate as she unsteadily walked away from them.

"Your wife is a hot ass slut man...damn what a fine ass." Roberto's voice was still filled with desire.

"You really went overboard Roberto." David said through clenched teeth. "I think you hurt her."

"Whoa...back up man. In case you did not notice the bitch loved it." Roberto sat up straight and locked eyes with David. "Plus you knew that I am a rough fucker...I like giving it to a woman hard and rough." He kept his eyes even with David. "Especially when fucking another man's woman...knowing her, owning her. You know you should also try be a bit rough with her, she likes it." He smirked.

"Whatever man...don't you have to go home to your girlfriend?" David said with an edge to his voice.

"Yeah...I will...just need to ride your slut wife one more time...riding that bitch just once is not enough." He said with a smirk. David did not respond but his cock twitched hearing Roberto's intention.

"I don't think you will mind watching me fuck that dirty whore...watching your wife take my cock into that hot pussy one more time." Roberto said with a sneer. David wanted to say that Tracy was through, and wouldn't want any more, but he knew Roberto and how persuasive he can be. Then both men stayed quiet waiting for Tracy to return.

Tracy came back into the living room twenty minutes later. She was surprised to see that Roberto still had not left. Her pulse quickened again upon seeing his naked body.

She had cleaned up and was wearing a small robe that came down to her mid thighs. Her face had been washed and hair tied in a neat pony tail.

David noticed that her face did not look as reddened as before. She again looked like a prim and proper wife and his cock twitched thinking that Roberto was going to fuck her again.

She gave a questioning look to her husband and then decided to just simply talk to Roberto, "It is should leave now." Her voice quavered...She knew...

Taking the action to her marriage bed.

"Is that anyway to talk to your lover...I am not done with you yet." He said arrogantly as he stood up. "Matter of fact, bitch, I was thinking that I want to fuck you on your marriage bed, upstairs.”

"My marriage bed? Oh no. You had your fun Roberto...leave now." She said nervously.

"Come on don't tell me you did not enjoy my cock stretching your married cunt." He hissed at her as he came and stood in front of her. She felt humiliated hearing his crude words.

"So are your children sleeping?" He asked her.

"Yes." She responded while looking down at the floor.

"Good...I don't want them to walk in on us while I am fucking their slut mom on her marriage bed." He said with a sneer. Then, with barely a glance back at David, Roberto began leading while half dragging Tracy up the stairs.

"We're going to be fucking on my marriage bed.' Tracy knew it was wrong, but somehow, now that they were upstairs, it seemed so right. Seeing Roberto's cock almost fully erect and leading the way was having its effect.

“Is this it,” Roberto asked?

“Yes, the room on the right.” Tracy answered, once again excited and this time at the thought of being fucked in her bed, the one she shares with her husband. Yes, her husband, who had followed meekly up the stairs and was now in the room with them.

“Close the door David.” She wanted privacy from the *******.

"Yes David, close the door. We don't want the ******* to see Mommy's pussy being worked over."

Tracy felt the heat rising to her face hearing Roberto's words. Roberto pulled the tie on her robe that was holding it close and then pushed the robe off her shoulders. She felt a tingling in her pussy and let the robe fall around her feet.

It was almost like they had not yet fucked, and she was going to be taking him for the first time.

"Get down and clean my cock." He said to her while pushing her down onto her knees. His cock had a dried, crusty, whitish coating. She gingerly took the dirty looking cock in her mouth. Even though she felt disgusted taking his dirty cock in her mouth it aroused her that she was being so nasty.

"Lick my shaft properly...lick it up and down." He said to her and she did as he told her. She cleaned his cock up and started sucking on it properly. This time without even being asked she bent down and licked his black, wrinkly, hairy balls and sucked on them.

He looked at David who was hard again and gently stroking his cock. "Your wife sure got some mouth on her...she insulted me with this mouth and now has my cock buried in that same mouth...what a slut you have married." He said to David as his wife somehow deepthroated Roberto's cock. David's cock twitched seeing his loving wife's nose again buried in the curly pubic hairs.

He couldn't recall Tracy ever burying her nose into his pubic hairs while sucking him, even though his cock is two to three inches shorter.

"Remove your hands from my cock...I am going to face fuck you...married sluts like you love getting face fucked." He contemptuously.

She did as he ordered and opened her mouth to receive his hard cock. Roberto grabbed her head with both of his hands and started face fucking her hard. Soon she was ******* and gagging on his thick cock. She was spitting and her eyes were watering but she did not try to stop his onslaught.

"It's nice having a big cock and I love fucking a woman in front of her husband, under his own roof and in his bed." He said tauntingly to David as he continued to face fuck Tracy. "Controlling them, owning them, turning them into sluts...using them like cheap whores while their puny husbands sit and can do nothing except maybe jerk off."

Surprisingly, Tracy was nodding her head up and down in agreement as she kept Roberto's cock deep in her mouth.

David just listened to him while stroking his cock and watching his beautiful wife slobbering all over the dark cock. She looked like a cock hungry slut as the Mexican man fucked her mouth brutally and she took it without any complaints.

After face-fucking Tracy for a couple more minutes Roberto stopped. "You like having a hard, thick cock stuffed in your mouth, don't you?" He jerked her head up and asked her.

She looked up at him with lustful eyes without saying a word.

He slapped her and snarled, "Tell me you fucking worthless whore." He slapped her again.

"Yes." She said with a quavering voice.

"Yes...what?" He slapped her again.

"I like having a hard cock in my mouth." Her voice a mix of shame and excitement.

“And if the cock is even larger than your husband's, do you like it more?”

“Yes. Yes I do.”

“How much more?”

“A...a lot more. It makes me cum really hard.”

"That's the correct answer bitch, the truthful one. Now suck my cock...take care of my balls. Show your hubby again how much you love my cock." He said to her contemptuously. "Show him what a cock hungry slut you are."

He groaned with pleasure as she started sucking on his uncut, dark, Mexican cock. Her cheeks stung due to the slaps but she did not care. She was still surprised by the discovery that the rough treatment and degradation actually turned her on.

Her intellect was completely disgusted by her actions but her body's carnal desires were completely controlling her. The more dirty Roberto made her feel, the more it aroused her. She was completely loathing what is happening but she was unable to stop herself from staying aroused.

Tracy was in complete disbelief how a woman like herself, a strong, well-educated, well-respected woman could let a man she barely knows slap her around, spit on her.

But all she cared about at this present moment was taking care of the hard cock and again have it stuffed in her wet, aching, married pussy.

In front of her husband she wanted this, and with not the slightest bit of guilt currently she wanted it.

She hungrily slobbered over the hard cock, licked it from top to bottom, played with balls and then proceeded to lick the dark balls and suck on them.

"Aaaah man...your wife is an excellent cock sucker." Roberto groaned lustily as the blonde beauty deep throated him. David watched with rapt attention stroking his cock and watching his wife pleasure Roberto.

“David, get up on the bed,” Roberto ordered.

David did, using a pillow to lean back against the headboard.

"Enough of this...get up bitch." Roberto grabbed her hair and jerked her up. "I need to fuck you now...Now bitch, get up on the bed and lay your head on your husband's leg...I want you to look up into your loving husband's eyes while you take my cock in your married pussy." Roberto pushed her towards her husband.

On her back as she felt Roberto spreading her legs, Tracy shyly looked up at her husband as she laid with her head on his thigh and reaching up, put her hands on the sides of his face. She looked beside her at her husband's hard cock and her pussy got even more wet knowing that her husband is enjoying her debauchery.

Her face was a mess with saliva coating her face and her cheeks red. But she still looks so beautiful thought David. He lovingly took hold of her face and said to her, "I love you sweetheart!!"

"I love you you too baby." Responded Tracy as she raised her legs to better allow another man to mount her.
Roberto groaned as he saw her glistening, puffed pussy lips peeking underneath the globes of creamy, fleshy orbs. It was very hot the way this prim and proper woman was presenting herself to be fucked by him.

He was amazed that he was actually fucking such a beautiful woman and with her husband right beside her. He had no doubt that this blonde woman was a loving and faithful wife but he was enjoying the fact that he had brought out the slut in her. In just a few hours it had happened. From never knowing her to really knowing her.

It was a night of revelations for all three of them.

"Yes baby position yourself properly...let him use your pussy properly." Saying that David locked his lips with his wife. As he kissed her, his wife gasped into his mouth and her body was pushed into him. His cock leaked pre-cum upon realizing that his wife's pussy has again been filled with Roberto.

Finally getting her in the missionary position in her marriage bed, Roberto laid his body heavily onto Tracy as he pounded her hard and his pelvis and balls smashed on her round ass again and again.

Now they were face to face, chest to breast, pubic mound to hairless pussy, and joined. Roberto slowed his pumping for a minute and [t was if they were actually making love now. She was hugging him now, her arms around his waist and shoulders.

Roberto took note and decided to keep this pace, slow and romantic, just for a while while her husband looks on.

It was working.

David suddenly felt insecure as he watched his wife and Roberto, making love slow and gentle now, with kisses. It was almost like, he was losing his wife, mentally, to another man. A minute went by. Two. Three.

Then Tracy broke off the kiss and yelped and moaned loudly as she was again fucked hard by the arrogant, Mexican man. Her mouth stayed open and her eyes rolled back in her head. Her legs, at first down, came up, higher and then higher until they were wrapped around Roberto's waist.

David's cock twitched as he watched the expressions of ******* on his wife's face. His bedroom was filled with squelching noises and flesh hitting flesh as another man mated with his beautiful, loving wife. The mom of his children.

Roberto was trying to permanently modify her pussy, modifying it into a mold the shape of his cock. He even was moving his hips side to side, and working the walls of her stretched pussy in ways never before known.

As he brutally pounded her, Tracy came hard on Roberto's cock. Her body convulsed and she dug her nails into her husband's leg with one hand as she struggled to contain the intense sensations of orgasmic release coursing through her body.

She grunted and yelled and said to her husband through labored breathing. " am cumming again on your friend's cock...his really big Mexican cock, and I'm having the most satisfying intense orgasms ever. That is what you wanted...right honey?"

David was feeling very insecure, but he did what he must, giving his wife reassurance that all is well, and this is right what she is doing.

"Yes...that is what I look so beautiful cumming...cumming on another man's cock." David responded breathlessly and kissed her hard.

Even before the intense sensations stopped, Roberto grabbed a fistful of her blonde hair roughly jerking back her head.

“Enough of this loving marriage stuff bitch. You need to concentrate more on the fucking.”

Roberto withdrew his cock out of her and dragged Tracy by her hair away from her husband. Then he roughly threw her down on the carpeted floor. It was as if she had no husband anywhere near. She was his to do with as he pleased.

She clumsily fell face down on the floor. "Get on your worthless fuck slut...face down ass up." He barked at her. She submissively did as he ordered her to do.

Roberto stood above her upturned ass with his legs on her sides. He smirked at David who just sat up on the bed with rapt attention slowly jacking his cock.

"I am going to fuck your wife like a dog now...a bitch in heat." He said to him aggressively. "I like it how she presents herself to be fucked right under her husband's roof...right in front of her husband." He taunted David. "I bet you like it how she automatically positioned herself like a tramp."

He bent his knees and shoved his cock into Tracy's open, waiting, wet pussy. She opened her eyes wide and moaned and grunted loudly as Roberto bottomed out. Now, after having been fucked, fucked and re-fucked, she was able to take his cock like a pro.

"You see how your wife's pink pussy lips took me right in and now are wrapped around my dark, Mexican cock." He said lustily to David. "Damn man...she is got a tight pussy even after having two *******."

"It's not this tight for David," Tracy said, no longer afraid to admit the truth in front of David. "At least it won't be this tight for him in the future."

"That's right bitch," sneered Roberto. "The truth is the best way to keep a happy marriage."

He started fucking her hard and Tracy started moaning and grunting.

"You like hearing your wife moan like a whore while getting fucked by another man?" He smirked as David continued to stroke his cock.

“Yes. Yes I do and you and your big Mexican cock can do it to my wife better than I ever could.”

Somehow, to David, using the phrase 'big Mexican cock' was making this scenario seem even more forbidden and erotic.

David was admitting to Roberto and in front of Tracy that he is superior in both size and ability to please his wife.

“Get down there in front of your wife and look her in the eyes and say that again.”

Sheepishly, David did as directed as he got down on his knees in front of his wife and looking directly into her eyes said it again. “Roberto is fucking you better than I ever could.”

Tracy could not meet his eyes with hers as she said it. She looked down and admitted, “Yes, that's true. I have never been fucked like this before. I...I never dreamed it could be this good, his big Mexican cock.” Tracy had picked up on David's desire in describing her lover's cock.

Roberto fucked David's wife nice and hard making her cum a couple more times before emptying his balls in her pussy as he laughed and enjoyed his orgasm. “Oh yessss babeeeee, I'm filling your cunt with my hot Mexican juice.”

"I can feel it," Tracy gasped. "Feel it throbbing in my cunt really hard."

He kept his cock inside her pussy until his cock stopped ejaculating. Looking at David Roberto slowly withdrew his shrinking cock. Tracy was exhausted and she let herself go, laying down on her stomach. Her legs obscenely open with cum leaking out of her pussy.

Then, having completely used and abused another man's wife, it was over. Roberto's very attitude changed.

"I am girlfriend is waiting for me. I gotta go man...thanks for sharing your pretty wife." Saying that he quickly put on his clothes.

Shocked at the sudden change in his demeaner, both Tracy and David stared as they saw that huge dangling cock disappear into his shorts before being covered completely by pants.

As Roberto was heading toward the stairs to leave, he said to Tracy, "By the way was really nice meeting are really lucky to have such an understanding husband like David." He grinned at David.

David, who right now was beginning to realize how he had been duped and allowed his wife to be fucked by a user of women, followed Roberto downstairs and at the door, Roberto said, 'Want to talk about it later?”

David nodded and said "yes, for sure.” As Roberto walked out David locked the door behind him and came back to the living room to find his wife now downstairs and naked.

“Oh. He's gone? I thought he might have things to say.” She looked disappointed.

Seeing his wife having come downstairs and still naked, David realized that though he might feel like they had been used, apparently his wife did not. “He said we could talk about it later.”

“Oh, OK,” Tracy said in response as David led her back up the stairs. He went up beside her on the stairs, and realized that the view might be interesting if he was to be behind her and looking up, but it was too late. Then on the bed, David laid down next to her, she had flopped down on her belly, and he slowly turned her over.

"Let me see you baby." He said lustily and got between her legs on his knees. He groaned looking at his wife's well used pussy. She was too tired to care anymore.

"Oh...sweetheart...Roberto fucked you real good. Your pussy looks all red, and wet and sweaty and stretched out and filled with his cum." His voice was filled with desire and arousal. David was completely mesmerized by his wife's pussy and despite the mess, he starting licking her pussy.

Shocked and surprised, Tracy moaned and put her hands on her husband's head. She was no longer concerned that her husband might be tasting and swallowing Roberto's cum. She pushed his face into her pussy. " me...lick me." She sounded delirious. "My pussy feels tender now and your tongue feels sooo soothing. Do it, clean up his cum. It feels there's so much of it."

David lapped on her pussy, sucked on her pussy lips and her swollen clit. Feeling Roberto's cum oozing out, he stuck his tongue all the way inside her gaping open pussy. As soon as he stuck his tongue inside her in anticipation of sucking cum out and swallowing, she shrieked and came hard. She convulsed and bucked up desperately, grabbing the sheets and her toes curled up.

David had pulled his mouth away he was so surprised at her immediate response.

She was gasping but wanted David to know. "That was another orgasm given me by Roberto. When he left my pussy was still on the edge and your tongue took me over. Thank you."

After she stopped cumming, David got on top of her and Tracy gave him a shy, sheepish smile as she barely felt his cock enter. David kissed his wife tenderly all over her face and then locked lips with her.

“So you liked that.” David asked?

“Oh honey. I am so glad I have had two children?”

That caught him by surprise. “Children? Why?”

“Because I could never have taken his cock had I not already been stretched by childbirth. He's so big. It would have hurt. But instead, it felt like nothing I've ever had before. I think he might have ruined me for you. I just want to warn you, I prefer not, but if you allow him to come here again, I might become addicted.”

"So if he comes back, you're already saying you'll do it again?"

She sighed. "Yes."

David looked sad, but expectant. “I have a hunch he'll be coming back.”

“Whatever you say David, whatever you want. I'll go with it.” She took a deep breath. "I don't think I could say No if he was here again."

With a sigh, David slowly made love to his changed wife. This time he lasted longer. Much longer since his wife was so stretched out.

"Does it feel good baby? Is there enough there to make you cum?"

"I don't think so Honey. He took it all out of me, and besides, I feel slightly sore around the edges. He really was stretching me. So you go ahead and cum and I'll enjoy feeling you throbbing in me."

It took a while since he had already orgasmed before and she felt so stretched and wet. His pumping went on and on, and at one point, she dozed. He never knew.

Finally, he came. She could barely feel it, but let him know she could. Then she sighed and hugged him, but no last orgasm for her.

After finishing their lovemaking, Tracy went straight to the bathroom, but not before taking note of how small David's wilted cock looked after having came in her. "I feel like I'm drowning inside." She wanted to take a shower before going to bed. She seemed to spend a long time underwater. After David heard her turn the shower off and the shower door close, she still seemed to take a long time returning to the bed.

'Is she feeling guilty in there, maybe ashamed and not wanting to talk about things?" David had his thoughts, as did she.

When she got on the bed Tracy was surprised to see that David was still awake.

"Are you okay honey?" David sounded very concerned as he looked into her face.

"I don't know David...I feel really terrible." She sounded unsure about what to say. "Do you still love after seeing me act in such an abhorrent way. It was like I had no dignity, no self respect. He treated me like a slut, a common whore and yet, I completely lost control."

"I have never stopped loving you and I never will. I do not want you to feel bad or have any regrets." He said lovingly. "Everything happened because I let it happen...I could have stopped it but I did not want to. And I am glad it was one of the most intense and hottest experiences of my life.

No. let me re-phrase that. I was not one of the most intense, it was the most intense, absolutely. I lost count how many times you came today...I just love watching you cum." He said earnestly.
She frowned as she remembered. "And he made me start squirting, and I had never done that before."

"I know baby. You squirted several times, and then they quit when you kept cumming, probably because you ran out of cum juice."

Getting reminded about her orgasms made Tracy blush in embarrassment. She had never cum so many times in one night before.

"I broke my wedding vows...I had sex with another man. What if after some time you resent me for what I have done?" She was very worried.

"I will never resent you for what happened tonight...please trust me...I am the one who wanted it to happen." He assured her.

"Do you think you would ever want to sleep with another woman because of what happened tonight...I can never share you with anyone else baby." She burst into tears.

David hugged her and calmed her down. "I told you before are the only woman I want. You are all I need. You will have to never worry about sharing me. Seeing you being fucked like that took care of all my fantasies."

"I love you so much David...I agreed to wear the baby doll in front of him to please you. I saw how much it was turning you on...but then after that I lost control. I feel so guilty letting him have sex with me...he certainly didn't deserve to have me." She was regretting her actions.

"Don't feel guilty...I made you lose control...for some weird reason which I do not even understand I wanted him to have you." He said to her. "It was hot to see you lose control and just enjoy sex purely as a physical thing...give in to your sexual needs...take his big Mexican cock and see you completely submit to his desires.

Now regrets. We just had some fun and don't think of Roberto as using you. Think of it as we used him to create some nice depraved memory." He kissed her gently and held her. Tracy felt reassured by her husband's words.

"Does it hurt?...he slapped you a few times." David asked her nervously.

"My cheeks do not hurt...I think he was being careful not to hit my face hard...but my ass stings a little bit." She responded shyly.

"Okay...when he hit you...slapped you...I tried to stop but then I saw that it was turning you I backed off." He seemed very hesitant talking about it.

"Can we please not talk about this any more...let us sleep...we have to go to church tomorrow morning." Tracy said shyly while reminding him that tomorrow is Sunday. But her heart rate quickened thinking about Roberto being rough with her, pulling her hair, spanking her, slapping her.

It was a shocking discovery for her that she got turned on by a man being so rough with her, degrading her, using her like a fuck toy.

They both were tired and fell asleep quickly.

Back to Reality

When David woke up in the morning, Tracy was not next to him and he heard the ******* making noise downstairs. After taking a shower, he headed downstairs.

The ******* were sitting at the kitchen dining table having breakfast while their mom hovered around them, taking care of their needs. Everything looked normal.

David admired how beautiful his wife was looking. Once again she was the dotting, responsible mom, a respectable woman. She looked...almost normal.

Dressed in an elegant conservative dress which ended at her knees. She looked like her normal proper self. Nothing like the wanton hussy from last night. The memory made his pulse quicken.

"Good morning *******...morning honey." He smiled looking at his children. They also wished him good morning. Tracy gave him a cute, shy smile which made his heart soar. He felt very lucky that she was his wife.

David sat down with the ******* to have breakfast also. He bantered with them and making them laugh.

"Mommy, are we going to church today?"

"Yes dear. We'll be going to the ten o'clock service in about an hour and a half."

After finishing the breakfast, children wanted to watch TV and went to the den. Tracy and David were now alone in the kitchen.

Tracy looked at her husband and asked, "Are we alright honey?"

"We are not simply alright...we are doing great. We love each other beyond measure and completely trust each other." He responded confidently. "Don't you agree?"

"Yes I do...just wanted to be reassured again." She said with a guilty smile. Then she admitted something. “My pussy is kind of tender today. Roberto really fucked me hard with that big cock of his, and I can feel it even now.”

He grinned. "You forgot to call it what it was. His big Mexican cock."

"Yes. How could I forget that?"

David was elated. He wanted to talk about last night and had been afraid to broach the subject, thinking she might not want to talk about it.

She looked down at herself and lightly fingered her snatch through her dress. "I think you kind of added to my soreness some when you fucked...I mean made love to me after..."

She was fibbing, trying to reassure David that his cock was still capable of putting the stretch on her.

David had to clarify her thinking. "I was making love to you because of how I feel about you, but then, last night, after seeing you and Roberto, I was also fucking you."

Nodding her understanding, she picked up the empty utensils to put in the sink. David followed behind her and hugged her from behind as she stood at the sink.

"Is your pussy sore on the outside, inside, or both," he asked.

She sighed. "I think both, but mostly on the...I guess you'd call it the outside, my inner lips where he kept stretching me and turning me inside out."

“The soreness will go away, probably by later today,” he assured her.

“I know. But right now it's a constant reminder of how well he fucked me last night.”

'How well?' Oh Oh. David needed to change the subject, as it seemed that his wife has her mind on Roberto's cock. Very much so.

"The makeup does a pretty good job of hiding the hickey." He said to her.

"Yes...only if someone is very close, they will notice it." She responded nervously. "The ******* were asking about it and I told them that it is just an insect bite."

"Yeah a very creepy, disgusting, and large insect." He nuzzled her nape. Tracy felt her husband's hardening cock on her ass. He grabbed her tits over her dress and her nipples hardened.

"Stop honey...the children may come back to the kitchen." Her heart was beating hard with excitement.

"You are just so sexy." He said and kissed her neck. "What are you wearing under your dress...what kind of panties?"

"My normal bikini panties." She told him.

"I want you to change your underwear...wear your thigh high stockings with garter belt and a thong." He lustily whispered into her ears as he squeezed her tits.

"But we are going to the church baby." She protested.

"It would be hot knowing that you are wearing sexy underwear in will feel sexy too." Saying that he kissed her.

"You know people may notice the garter clips in this jersey dress I am wearing even though it is not tight fitting...but the fabric is thin and clings to my body...if someone is watches closely and in the right light...will know I am wearing a garter belt." She said nervously.

"Don't worry...only the men who ogle you will know...I want them to know that my wife is wearing sexy underwear. You have quite a few admirers who try to chat you up...let them chat you up." He was feeling very excited.

"And I have always liked this such a proper dress but can be so teasing and naughty too...when the light is quite right and the fabric is sticking to you...a person keeping a close eye on you can see what kind of panties you are wearing. It is a hot sexy dress yet so casual and conservative." David grinned.

"Honey...the children are with us." She was feeling very apprehensive.

"You know as soon as they see my parents...they will go to them and like every Sunday, my dad will take them home." David's parents also attended the same church. They adored their grandchildren and the children also loved spending time with the grandparents.

"We will not sit with my parents today...maybe we will sit with one of your admirers." Hearing his excited words, a tremor went through her body.

"David...even though I do not like what we did last night...I do like what it is doing to us" She said softly. "I have not felt this excited in a long time, it is like a new spark...I just feel as if I am much closer to you than ever before."

"Yes...I feel the same way." He truthfully said. "I really liked what happened last night...just loved it that we were so bad...loved it that we completely gave in to our carnal desires, our basic liked being bad, right? letting another man who is not your husband use your hot body, your married pussy to satiate his sexual hunger, you liked being a complete slut...didn't you?" He lustfully growled at her.

" did...I know it is wrong but I liked turning you a slut for you." Tracy said shyly with her voice betraying her excitement. She was accepting her desires, her need to please her husband and any other man her husband wants her to submit to.

David was amazed by the transformation in his wife within the last 24 hours and he was very pleased with it. His prim and proper wife wanting to be a wanton hussy to please her husband.

"Good...I want you to be bad...really bad." He said huskily as he pushed his cock against her ass and kissed her neck.

"On the way to church we need to stop at a pharmacy...even though it was kind of safe time of the month for me but I don't want to take the risk... I need the morning after pill." She said to her husband seriously. Last night they completely forgot that Tracy was not on any kind of birth control ever since David had a vasectomy three years ago.

Hearing that Roberto may have impregnated his wife, David's cock twitched which Tracy right away felt on her ass and then he lustily squeezed her small, firm tits.

Tracy's eyes opened wide in shock realizing her husband got turned on thinking of her about being impregnated by another man.
"I cannot believe it that you are turning out to be such a perverted and kinky actually are getting turned on by thinking of me getting impregnated by another man." She said incredulously and felt her pussy get wet.

"I don't know what is wrong with me...but the brains that are in my balls are getting aroused by thinking of my wife being inseminated by another man." He said sheepishly.

"Inseminated by a big Mexican cock," she giggled.

"Oh," he said, "I haven't forgotten it was a big...Mexican...cock."

"You are getting really bad. You know this is sane mind wants to run away from it all but I want to be soooo bad for you sweetheart." She said playfully and then turned around to kiss her husband.

"Go...change your underwear and wear the garter belt." He swatted her ass playfully. "And remember to wear the panties over the garter belt suspenders...just in case I want to take them off." He winked at her.

Tracy blushed and went upstairs to do what her husband had asked. As she pulled up the tiny g string over the stockings and garter belt suspenders, she felt nervous and excited due to the naughtiness of her actions. She paused for just a moment to look down, tug her outer lips open and look at the inners. Still a mite red.

He waited for her at the kitchen dining table.

"What do you think?...can you make out I am wearing a garter belt with the stockings." She asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Only if I look your admirers will look...they will be able to make out the small bumps of the suspender clips on the front of your thighs." He said with a grin. "Bend over that corner of the dining table."

She did as he asked. "In this light I can even make out that you are wearing a thong with a garter belt." David said while rubbing his hardening cock looking at his wife's luscious ass to which the dress was sticking.

A shiver went through Tracy's body thinking about other people being able to make out what kind of underwear she is wearing.

Getting his wife to pose for men to come, or maybe...cum.

"Stand up and turn around facing me...let me take a picture of you." Saying that he took a picture of his beautiful wife with his phone.

Then David pulled out a chair from dining table and asked his wife to sit on it.

After she sat down, David said, "Pull up your me the stocking tops."

Tracy smiled mischievously at her husband and pulled up her dress. "Like this baby...this is how you want to see me?" Her stocking tops were visible and the creamy skin of her thighs above the stocking tops were also visible.

David looked at his wife with appreciation and took a couple of pictures. " look so sexy." His voice was filled with desire. "I want other men to see you this way...see how sexy my wife is."

"Other men?" Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, other men, I want to show you off, I'm so proud of you."

Photos of her and other men. David was testing his wife as he locked his eyes with hers. Tracy gently bit her lower lip as she looked at her husband. There was a long pause while Tracy thought about it. Then, finally, came her response.

“No men from our church, OK?”

David's heart jumped. His wife had just, maybe without her fully realizing it, given her permission for him to show her naked photos to other men. As long as they aren't from their church. This was a big leap forward from what he expected, despite all that had gone down last night.

“No baby. No one from church will see these, I promise.”

She looked at him funny, then after a few seconds: "O.K."

It was on. David already had someone in mind, a black man from his work. They were buddies and had even talked on occasion about sex and the women at work, how nice it would be to score on some of them but they didn't dare.

They had even had a discussion about relative cock sizes between white and black men, and David knew that his buddy named Marcus claimed to be well hung, very.

Now David figured he had someone for his buddy to score on, his wife. From a Mexican man to a black man, his wife would be getting diversity.

David already knew. If it came down to a choice, he preferred that his buddy Marcus be fucking his wife, someone that would more respect his wife and not treat her like a whore. And maybe be even bigger, David hoped for thicker, than Roberto.

Unbelievably, David wanted to see his wife being stretched even more than that big Mexican cock had been able to do. No deeper, just wider. He wanted to see Tracy with tears in the corners of her eyes as she is being fucked by a thick black cock, and maybe biting her lip, and moaning and groaning as that cock keeps her on the edge of pleasure/pain, and she starts cumming as she wraps everything around Marcus and finally, after holding it back, begins kissing him.

"Pull up your dress a bit higher...and spread your legs a little also." He said. Tracy did as he asked her to do. Now more of her creamy thighs were exposed and the black triangle of her tiny panties was visible between her creamy thighs. David took more pictures of his wife.

She looks so sexy, erotic and enticing sitting with her dress pulled up, so provocative and teasing. Her face was flushed with excitement.

"Get up and bend over the table keeping your legs straight and pull up your dress up to your waist. Show me that fine pussy of yours." David huskily said to his wife.

She bent over the table and bunched up the dress around her waist. “Now baby, pull your panties to one side so I can see your pussy.”

“See...?" Now this was becoming more personal than just showing panties and stockings. "Do you have anyone specific in mind to be seeing these photos,” she asked out of curiosity?

He wanted to tell her of Marcus and decided, not yet. She might not be ready for a black man. Like had happened with Roberto, she would be making the decision after Marcus was inside their home. “Not at the moment, but I might think of someone. Now pull your panties out to the side.” If she does this...

She did and excitedly David took three photos, one from several feet away so all her body showed including face, then up closer so that her body from thighs to face showed, and then closer, much closer as he asked her to tug her pussy opened and took one from two feet away.

"Honey. These are getting pretty revealing. Are you sure about this?"

"Yes dear. I promise that only someone I like and trust will be seeing these. Now turn around so I can get your ass.”

David could not believe that his formerly quiet and shy wife, from yesterday, was posing in such a manner for him when they had discussed his showing these pictures to another man, or men.

Surprisingly, she did turn around and show her ass, and now her delectable ass was on display framed by garter suspenders and the tiny thong disappearing between her creamy, reddened ass cheeks. Tracy heard her husband's sharp intake of breath and looked back at him.

David came close to her and tenderly touched her reddened ass. "You're still a bit red. Does this hurt baby?"

"No...just feels tender...a bit sensitive." She responded shyly. “Like my pussy.”

"Did it turn you on when he spanked you." He asked out of curiosity.

She stared at him, hesitated and then said," did." She felt very embarrassed thinking about what she let Roberto do to her and her own depraved actions. Deep down she had these thoughts. Roberto had slapped her, fingered her, thrust his tongue and cock deeply down her throat, thrust his cock brutally into her pussy using every possible angle, but what shocked her maybe most of all was how he had spit into her mouth not just once, but several times, and she had swallowed.

"David...please do not ask me any more questions about last already know I was very aroused and completely out of control. I did things...that I never even imagined I could do." David understood that his wife was feeling ashamed about her depraved actions.

He nodded, "I won't ask." He gave her an understanding smile.

“I just want to warn you, “ she said. “I said it before, if you let Roberto come over here again and he's pushy, I won't be able to say 'no.'

“Do you want to see him again.” David asked with a smile?

“That'll be up to you.”

“Next time I'll be taking photos.”

“I'd like that, to have and remember afterward.”

Wow, she had agreed not only to fuck Roberto again, but allow her husband to take photos. David preferred that it not be Roberto the next time and decided to push it further. “It might be some other man and not Roberto, the next time.”

She hesitated only for the briefest moment. “Still another man? I'll do it, that, if you want.” Then she added: “And I suppose he will have already seen these photos.”

“Yes, probably, to get him interested and excited in advance.”

"If you can, will you pick a man who...who is well hung?"

"Yes." Her eyes widened, and he added: "I might already have someone in mind."

She didn't answer, only smiled slightly. Then she asked. "From your work?"


She made no comment, only looked him in the eyes, and started arranging her clothes to make herself presentable again.

David knew now. If he allows it, she wants. “Wait, baby, I want a couple more photos, with you on your back spreading your legs.”

She surprised him when she tugged her inner lips opened wide without being told and asked, "Think he'll like this one?"

"Oh yes, baby. I can promise you he will."

David's plan for those photos, his black buddy.

David had fantasized on it, and now it was going to happen. His wife with Marcus, and he was going to get photos of the entire affair. He might even let Marcus have some of the photos where her face doesn't show.

She had pretty much ignored them in the past. Never made any comments. But I am sure she must have heard something about black men and their cocks. Will my wife willingly make it with a black man? There have never been any blacks, singles or couples in our circle.

Will she allow him to see and fondle her? Suck his big black cock? Allow him to fit it inside her while I take photos? Wrap her arms and legs around him? Most of all, especially in the Missionary position, allow him to kiss her while he knows her body better and deeper than I can? Tell me, in front of him how much better he fucks her than her husband can?

Would she do that, tell a black man he fucks her better than her white husband? She has already done it while enjoying Mexican cock, but that doesn't seem quite the same, not as interracial, as a black cock in a white pussy.

A black man. Despite his doubts, David was pretty sure she would go for it. One time recently the subject had come up. A casual friend of hers had started dating a black guy and Tracy had told him about it, and she had wondered why her friend would do that since the black guy had only a high school level of education while she has a Master's.
David had jokingly said, "Maybe he has a big black cock."

Tracy had looked funny at him and asked: "Do you suppose that's the reason?"

"I don't know baby. I was just kidding, but some black men are supposed to be big and that might be the reason."

"I wonder," she said slowly, "If that really makes a difference."

"I don't know Tracy, but if you ever try one, be sure to let me know."

"I don't think I'll be trying any strange men, no matter the size. I'm married, remember?" Then she had added, "And especially not any black men!"

That's what his wife had said one day, but since then, last night, she had fucked Roberto with his dark Mexican cock. Now, it was game on.

"That's great Tracy. Pull them open as wide as possible. Oh yeah, I can see a couple of inches down inside. This will be a great photo."

"Are you sure you might show these, the ones showing everything to someone? It kind of takes away the mystery for him."

David giggled. "If I decide not to show it to anyone, I can always use it to jack off to when you're not around."

"Seems a shame to waste it honey," Tracy said, smiling, as she released her hold on her inner lips and sat up.

"What if the man I have in mind turns out to be black? Would that make a difference?"

Tracy stared into his eyes. She was remembering her girlfriend. "Is he nice looking?"


"Then that might be alright too."

"Well, maybe he'll be black, and again, maybe not." David wanted to keep it a mystery to her until it happens.

That's what I want to hear her say. I want her to tell me, in front of Marcus how much better his big black cock feels. Feels better than mine, her husband's.

Marcus had shown David photos of a white wife he had recently fucked, his first white woman and with her husband present. That wife was not as lovely as Tracy, but pretty good looking. She had tits bigger than Tracy, and Marcus had taken a couple of shots of his thick long cock being squeezed between them while the wife held her breasts together.

“Now look at this photo,” Marcus had said with a chuckle as he pulled another one out of his little folder. “That's her husband.”

It too, was a photo of that wife squeezing her breasts together, but the cock between could not even go to the halfway point between them, where Marcus's cock had gone past to the other side. “You can see the difference, Marcus boasted, 'between her husband's cock and mine.”

To David, it looked like that husband's cock was about the same size as his. Marcus's cock, it looked like, as David remembered from seeing that photo, even had Roberto beat. Especially in width.

"Did she have anything to say, in front of her husband, about how much she was enjoying your cock?"

Marcus had shook his head. "No. I know what she was thinking, but she didn't dare say it in front of him." He sighed. "I never had a chance to talk to her alone, to see if she would admit it."

David had laughed. "Maybe the next white wife you fuck will let you know."

"Yeah, that's what I have been fantasizing on."

"Her husband being there and listening?"

"Yes, even more than getting her alone, I'd like that as long as he doesn't interfere."

"What if some husband wanted to feel your cock, or maybe even help his wife suck it?"

"That might be alright, as long as he doesn't expect me to return the favor."

Those photos had set David's mind to working overtime. Maybe he can make Marcus's fantasy come true.

David's heart had been beating much faster as he fantasized on somehow getting Marcus into his home and into his wife. When Marcus had been sharing those photos with David, getting Marcus together with his wife had seemed an impossible task, but Roberto had changed all that.

The only question would be, how soon shall I bring Marcus home with me? Tracy's pussy will need to heal of course, so there's no soreness. And shall I tell Tracy in advance she's for sure going to be fucking with a black man?

Maybe I might tell Marcus to mark her, on the other side of her neck with a hickey so she'll have a matched set. That's why I need to make this happen soon, before the first Hickey goes away.

“Ok Baby. That's enough photos. Thank you and now we'd better get going.”

She straightened her dress and they left for the church after dragging the ******* away from TV.

As he drove his family to church, David's mind was not on his driving. That part was automatic. What his mind really was on was Monday. David could hardly wait, One more day till Monday, and Marcus will be seeing these photos. Tuesday, maybe Wednesday night, have him over.

On Monday David managed to be alone with Marcus at one time, and showing the photos of Tracy to him, had said, "She's ready, I think, to try a strange man. Marcus, I've seen some photos you've shown me of your cock. Mine is nowhere near as big. It's about time my wife got to try someone with more to offer, and I want to see yours for real. Now."

Not believing that he is being offered a chance to fuck David's wife, Marcus had been more than glad to show him, and smilingly had let David fondle and feel it, and after David had given the thick foreskin a few strokes back and forth, he had said, "She's never had a strange one, and my wife is going to be so stretched out by this thing..."

As he had hoped, it was definitely thicker than Roberto's big Mexican cock. He looked up into Marcus's face. "Mind if I suck it. just for a minute?"

"Be my guest David," Marcus said as he placed his hands on the sides of David's head to guide his movements. He knew, this is going to last for more than 'just a minute.'
David had jokingly said, "Maybe he has a big black cock."

Tracy had looked funny at him and asked: "Do you suppose that's the reason?"

"I don't know baby. I was just kidding, but some black men are supposed to be big and that might be the reason."

"I wonder," she said slowly, "If that really makes a difference."

"I don't know Tracy, but if you ever try one, be sure to let me know."

"I don't think I'll be trying any strange men, no matter the size. I'm married, remember?" Then she had added, "And especially not any black men!"

That's what his wife had said one day, but since then, last night, she had fucked Roberto with his dark Mexican cock. Now, it was game on.

"That's great Tracy. Pull them open as wide as possible. Oh yeah, I can see a couple of inches down inside. This will be a great photo."

"Are you sure you might show these, the ones showing everything to someone? It kind of takes away the mystery for him."

David giggled. "If I decide not to show it to anyone, I can always use it to jack off to when you're not around."

"Seems a shame to waste it honey," Tracy said, smiling, as she released her hold on her inner lips and sat up.

"What if the man I have in mind turns out to be black? Would that make a difference?"

Tracy stared into his eyes. She was remembering her girlfriend. "Is he nice looking?"


"Then that might be alright too."

"Well, maybe he'll be black, and again, maybe not." David wanted to keep it a mystery to her until it happens.

That's what I want to hear her say. I want her to tell me, in front of Marcus how much better his big black cock feels. Feels better than mine, her husband's.

Marcus had shown David photos of a white wife he had recently fucked, his first white woman and with her husband present. That wife was not as lovely as Tracy, but pretty good looking. She had tits bigger than Tracy, and Marcus had taken a couple of shots of his thick long cock being squeezed between them while the wife held her breasts together.

“Now look at this photo,” Marcus had said with a chuckle as he pulled another one out of his little folder. “That's her husband.”

It too, was a photo of that wife squeezing her breasts together, but the cock between could not even go to the halfway point between them, where Marcus's cock had gone past to the other side. “You can see the difference, Marcus boasted, 'between her husband's cock and mine.”

To David, it looked like that husband's cock was about the same size as his. Marcus's cock, it looked like, as David remembered from seeing that photo, even had Roberto beat. Especially in width.

"Did she have anything to say, in front of her husband, about how much she was enjoying your cock?"

Marcus had shook his head. "No. I know what she was thinking, but she didn't dare say it in front of him." He sighed. "I never had a chance to talk to her alone, to see if she would admit it."

David had laughed. "Maybe the next white wife you fuck will let you know."

"Yeah, that's what I have been fantasizing on."

"Her husband being there and listening?"

"Yes, even more than getting her alone, I'd like that as long as he doesn't interfere."

"What if some husband wanted to feel your cock, or maybe even help his wife suck it?"

"That might be alright, as long as he doesn't expect me to return the favor."

Those photos had set David's mind to working overtime. Maybe he can make Marcus's fantasy come true.

David's heart had been beating much faster as he fantasized on somehow getting Marcus into his home and into his wife. When Marcus had been sharing those photos with David, getting Marcus together with his wife had seemed an impossible task, but Roberto had changed all that.

The only question would be, how soon shall I bring Marcus home with me? Tracy's pussy will need to heal of course, so there's no soreness. And shall I tell Tracy in advance she's for sure going to be fucking with a black man?

Maybe I might tell Marcus to mark her, on the other side of her neck with a hickey so she'll have a matched set. That's why I need to make this happen soon, before the first Hickey goes away.

“Ok Baby. That's enough photos. Thank you and now we'd better get going.”

She straightened her dress and they left for the church after dragging the ******* away from TV.

As he drove his family to church, David's mind was not on his driving. That part was automatic. What his mind really was on was Monday. David could hardly wait, One more day till Monday, and Marcus will be seeing these photos. Tuesday, maybe Wednesday night, have him over.

On Monday David managed to be alone with Marcus at one time, and showing the photos of Tracy to him, had said, "She's ready, I think, to try a strange man. Marcus, I've seen some photos you've shown me of your cock. Mine is nowhere near as big. It's about time my wife got to try someone with more to offer, and I want to see yours for real. Now."

Not believing that he is being offered a chance to fuck David's wife, Marcus had been more than glad to show him, and smilingly had let David fondle and feel it, and after David had given the thick foreskin a few strokes back and forth, he had said, "She's never had a strange one, and my wife is going to be so stretched out by this thing..."

As he had hoped, it was definitely thicker than Roberto's big Mexican cock. He looked up into Marcus's face. "Mind if I suck it. just for a minute?"

"Be my guest David," Marcus said as he placed his hands on the sides of David's head to guide his movements. He knew, this is going to last for more than 'just a minute.'
Man, this story is great! I’m hooked!
Start of my continuation:

David snapped back to reality with Tracy’s nudge. He realized he was staring into space and daydreaming in church about meeting Marcus. He felt a little guilty thinking about this in church next to his beautiful and proper wife. David knew he had to get his emotions back under control and not let them make him do something too risky, but the memory of his wife with Roberto made him unbelievably horny. He looked over at his wife as they were leaving the service. She was so beautiful, at the peak of her femininity. She was in great shape, graceful and had this air of confidence as she moved and chatted with people leaving the church. Later that evening as they finished their pre-bedtime routines, David asked Tracy if she was sure about talking to Marcus. Tracy responded, “hold on lover, let me finish up and we will talk. You must not let your ‘little’ brain get too excited “. Tracy took a little more time to finish up before coming to bed, but the phrase‘little brain’ stung but also excited him. Tracy gracefully slipped into bed and said, “okay let’s talk”. “I want to meet Marcus before anything happens in a public place so we can just talk things over first. And I want you to give me your phone and I will delete all the pictures you took of me except the ones I want Marcus to see”. David did as he was told. Tracy scrolled through the pictures and deleted a few and gave the phone back to David. “For now just tell him that we have started to explore an open marriage and would like to meet to discuss compatibility with him “. David shook his head in agreement and said “okay dear”. David kissed Tracy and started to rub his pelvis against her side. He had a straining erection that he rubbed against her leg. “Now-now dear, I’m much too sore after this weekend but if you need relief you can touch my breast while you take care of your little soldier man on your own”. David was so horny, he pulled off his pajama bottom, and started stroking himself. He reached over and put a hand on Tracy’s pert breast. He looked over at Tracy who was smiling at him with a look that was a combination of confidence and love for him, but also a touch of pity. A look that reassured the marital dynamic of her as the one in charge. Her look combined with the comment ‘little soldier man’ took David over the edge quickly as he came with intensity. Tracy kissed him on the cheek and said “go clean up honey, you have a big week ahead”.
Just curious, wasn't David sucking Marcus's cock? That was the ending of the last part before this section begins but I don't see any relevance or continuation from that part.