Camille of Grupa Desdemona- Sophisticated BBC for the General's *******


Gold Member
Real Person
That afternoon, her ******* was making remarks at the officer’s club for a small graduation ceremony for a small class of officers that had just completed a specified training course. Ray had been in that class, along with three other black officers. When the certificates were handed out, all the black officers were given their certificates last. When Camille’s ******* gave his remarks, he had called Ray to the podium and shook his hand as the top student of the training. Camille found it interesting that Ray only received a small amount of applause, and the white officer that was recognized by her ******* afterward for his skill during the exercise received a flurry of yelps and praise.

When the reception started, everyone was milling about, talking and making acquaintances. Camille had noticed that the black officers had left the main group and were all off together in a small room toward the rear side entrance at the far end of the reception hall. She had been watching Ray and pretended not to notice that she had caught his eye also. She also noticed that he was careful not to look at her too long. When she saw him exit the side entrance, she slid away from her mom’s watchful eyes and went to the side entrance door.

Through the windowpane she saw him outside smoking. This didn’t offend her because her ******* smoked a pipe sometimes on their porch, as her mom would never tolerate smoke inside the home. Camille stepped outside and stood by the door, looking at Ray, who was a few feet away near a tree with his back toward her. She stood there quietly for a minute, and as she cleared her throat, he turned and looked her in the eye.

“Hello, ma’am, how are you,” Ray said as he hid his cigarette behind his back.

“I’m okay, but I’d be better if you gave me a drag,” Camille replied. Camille knew she wasn’t supposed to intermingle with the officers and soldiers on the base. She also knew it wasn’t because she was some glamour queen or sexy strumpet that would tempt the wiles of men. Yet it was something about this moment that made her feel beautiful about herself, and she believed that this gorgeous man in front of her was why.

Ray handed the half-smoked cigarette to Camille, who took a small drag and then gave it back to him. As she looked Ray over, she thought to herself that he looked a lot like the actor Greg Morris from that Mission Impossible show; they could certainly have been brothers, she thought.

“So, anybody gonna have a problem with you being out here, with me?” he asked Camille.

“No, it’s no problem. My name is Camille, what’s yours?”

“First Lieutenant Ray Harlon Braddish at your service, Camille. How did you like the ceremony?”

“Well, Ray, I thought it would have been better if you had received the applause you deserved,” Camille told him.

“Aw, I don’t pay that no mind. They just mad I’m not what they want me to be, dumb.”

“Well, you surely don’t look dumb to me,” Camille said with a wry smile.

Ray started telling Camille about his graduation from Wilberforce University, where he studied military science, and that he was from Cleveland, the ******* of a barber ******* and a seamstress mom. Ray saw one of the other black officers look out of the window of the side room they had gathered in, who gave him a dirty look when he saw him talking with Camille. Ray took that as a signal to end the conversation, and crumpling the cigarette butt, said to her, “Hey it’s been good talking with you, but we both better get back to the reception.” Ray put the cigarette butt in his pocket.

Camille replied, asking him, “So you really want to go back in there with that crowd of unappreciative people than enjoy being out here talking with me?”

“Ha-ha, no I like talking with you. I just don’t want to get into trouble, ya’ know? I think you’re a cool woman,” he told her.

“Well maybe we can talk more and get to know each other, and you can see how cool I am,” Camille said.

“That would be nice if I was going to be here, but I’m shipping out tomorrow. Headed to Fort Dix, then flying out of McGuire. So, this is all the talking and knowing we’re going to do. I’m sure you got some other men you’d like to get to know, or does your mama keep you locked up?” Ray teasingly asked Camille.

“That’s really too bad. I think I would like getting to know you, and my mom doesn’t keep me in a cage, she just looks out for me,” Camille said.

Ray smartly said to her, “Well a young innocent thing like you should get to know some nice girls to attend social parties with, not a soldier like me.”

Camille quipped back, “I’m not so innocent, and I don’t need to meet any society girls, I’m just fine.”

Ray could see that he hurt her feelings a little, so he told her, “Look, if you’re so interested, then get back over here after lights out. I’ll be back at this spot around eleven tonight. I’ll wait a little to see if you show up, but not too long. So, after a bit I’m gone. That’s the best I can do, okay Camille?” Ray saw the displeased face of one of the other black officers at the window, and giving her a nod, said he had to leave.

As she began to walk toward the entrance, Camille reached out her hand to him before he got past her. Ray lightly grabbed her hand and shook it with a deliberate easy caress of her hand afterward.

“Later,” he told her as he opened the door and went back inside.

Camille watched the door close and then turned away and put a big smile on her face. Her mind raced, thinking of how to get back to the officer’s club tonight. After a couple of minutes, she went back inside, and saw her mom standing at the end of the hall next to the reception desk.

As Camille neared her mom, Marilyn asked her ******* in a hushed voice, “Where have you been? Have you been in the back, stirring up some controversy?”

“No mom, I was just seeing why the black officers felt more comfortable hanging out in the back, and congratulated the top student, since a lot of people here did not seem to think he deserved that respect.” Her mom just stood there silently, giving Camille a look that she knew meant she had better choose her words carefully for the rest of the evening.

When they returned home, everyone went about their business for that afternoon, enjoyed a typical dinner that evening, and retired for bed just after 10 p.m. Around ten thirty, when she felt her parents had settled in their bedroom and were asleep, Camille changed into a casual button-down dress and left the house. While Camille was no tomgirl, she possessed a decent amount of athletic ability and had climbed out of her second story window, eased down to the veranda, and scuttled away, careful not to make any noise.

As she walked down the street, headed to her late-night rendezvous, she checked her gut to see how she felt. She realized she was feeling fine. She was a little excited and walked quickly toward the officer’s club. As she neared the rear of the building, she saw a shadowy figure standing next to the large tree near the side door. Camille brushed her collar length dark hair back from her face, and in a loud whisper cried out, “Ray, is that you?”

The figure standing in the dark moved toward her and Camille made out that it was indeed First Lieutenant Ray Braddish. Camille’s heart warmed, seeing him looking handsome in his class B uniform.

“Good evening, Miss Camille. Glad the general’s ******* could make it,” he said.

A little startled, Camille said to Ray, “Don’t let that bother you, really. I’m glad too, I wasn’t sure I’d get here in time to see you.”

Ray smiled at her, and said, “Let’s get inside before someone comes by and starts asking questions.”

Camille turned toward the door, but Ray stopped her, and told her to wait quietly for him in the shadows of the large tree. Ray went to the side window of the small room Camille had seen him and the other black officer’s hanging out in. He quickly raised the bottom half of the window, pushed the small curtain out of the way, and crawled inside.

Camille heard him move about, and in less than a minute, he was at the side door, asking her to quickly come in. Excitedly, Camille followed him in, watching as he locked the door behind him. They entered the small, carpeted room and he offered her a seat on a modest two-seater couch with a little round table in front, while he grabbed a few items out of a desk drawer. She watched him place a small candle in an ashtray and place it under the open portion of the desk, which gave a dim light in the room.

“Don’t want to raise any suspicions, so this keeps the light low,” he told her.

“That’s quite ingenious,” Camille replied.

Ray told her that he used to come to the room during his training, to have a quiet place to read and study because the colored officer’s quarters where next door to the noisy base mess hall and waste collection. Ray pulled out a small bottle of peach schnapps and a small bottle of lemon fizz. He took two glasses out of a desk drawer, poured an even mixture into both glasses, and handed one to Camille.

“Thanks Ray, it seems you thought of everything,” Camille told him.

“It’s good to be comfy, isn’t it?” Ray asked her.

Camille nodded as she sipped at the sweet concoction. Ray sat down next to her, and they began to share stories about their backgrounds and future ideas. Ray told Camille all about his plans after service. He explained to Camille that he was going to give the Army a chance at fully representing the merit-based principles it touted, but if he hadn’t made his major rank within seven years, he was going to return to Cleveland and take up teaching to spur on the youth in his community to greater opportunities. Of course, it all depended on him staying alive during the conflict in Vietnam.

Camille told Ray how much she admired his ambition and vision and spoke about her decision to take a break before attending her mom’s alma mater. Camille told Ray about her relationship with Branson, her *******’s outlook on people being judged by their character and not their color, and how her mom was a dutiful matchmaker, ensuring her two older sisters married well to husbands from prominent families. She told Ray she would much rather choose her own husband that would love and support her in ideas and interests, like the business side of medical service and such.

Camille asked Ray if he had a girlfriend, and he told her that he didn’t. Ray gave Camille a quick rundown of a few girlfriends he had in high school, and then told her about a serious college romance he had shared with a nice girl named Mia that his mom had wanted him to marry. Ray said he didn’t want to have anyone waiting on him when he knew he was going to a war zone and ended their relationship. He didn’t think that was a fair thing to do to anyone, whether they agreed to it or not.

During their conversation Camille commented on the room becoming warm and undid a couple buttons of the upper portion of her dress. As she and Ray laughed and talked more, she had put her glass down and had taken one of his hands into her own, and steadily rubbed it as they talked. At a certain moment of laughter Ray told her, “You better stop rubbing my hand like that. You’ll have me thinking things that may get me in trouble.”

“Really, thoughts like what? You can tell me,” Camille said.

“Well, I wouldn’t be one to spoil a young lady’s innocence, even if she’s nice like you,” Ray said.

“I told you, I’m not so innocent, Lieutenant Braddish,” she joked to Ray. “And besides that, I appreciate you spending time with me. I mean, I’m sure you wanted to have some fun before you leave tomorrow,” Camille said.

Ray told her that his fellow officers had already taken off for the night, and he had made an excuse to meet them at breakfast before muster. Camille had leaned closer to him as he was talking, looking into his eyes, and said, “Well since it’s your last night, lets enjoy it.” She bent her head toward him and put her lips onto his. It was a light kiss, to start, and as they kept their lips together, they gradually moved into a passion-filled delightful dance of their mouths over each other in a deep kiss.

Camille rolled herself onto Ray’s lap, straddling him, her arms around his neck as they continued their kiss. They were both breathing heavy when they finally broke the lip-lock, and staring into each other’s eyes, she could see Ray’s unspoken question. With an intense sigh she replied, “Yes,” and they dropped back into kissing again.

Camille felt Ray’s strong hands along her back as the heat between them increased. She caressed his chest and torso, slid her head down, and began to gingerly kiss and suck along the side of his neck. In one motion she felt Ray’s hands slip under her dress and along her thighs. Camille felt her lower body shiver in anticipation as his hands rubbed her bottom through her soaked cotton panties.

Ray’s arm moved up, and his hand stroked her hair. He reached behind her and pulled her head up using her hair, and with a strained skeptical look, began to question her, saying, “Are you…?”

Camille sat up straight, and looking in his eyes again said, “No, I’m not. I want to feel you, Ray.” Camille had a passing thought about her sex life; she lost her virginity at sixteen to an older teenaged camp counselor, and had been with Branson three times, which all together didn’t total fifteen minutes. She was not going to pass up her opportunity to enjoy herself and had never felt so aligned with her desire.

Camille had felt Ray stiffening while on his lap and was eager for things to heat up even more. She stood up, bent down to remove her underwear, and unbuttoned more of the bottom portion of her dress. Ray had unbuttoned his uniform blouse and removed it while also unbuckling his pants. With a devious smile, Camille reached for his waist and pulled his pants all the way down to his shoes. Ray pulled his boxers down, and in the dim light, Camille saw that his la bite appeared to be a comfortable size.

She immediately straddled him and felt him slowly slide in her le minou that opened to him as a nice hello. As their passion burned, they began to move in a coordinated up and down rhythm, and while they repeatedly traded kisses, their bodies replicated a well-functioning coupling machine.

After a few minutes Camille tilted her head back and began moaning toward her first climax. Ray buried his face in her cleavage and held her waist tightly as her lower body trembled during a loud moaning orgasm. Camille shook for quite a few seconds, and with her eyes wide, grabbed the sides of Ray’s face. With firm affection, she told him “Oh, more Ray, more!”

Camille ground herself harder into his lap, yanking to remove his T-shirt as he pulled her dress off over her head. With only shoes remaining, they humped and twisted against each other in their fever of love, his mouth covering her nichons, her mouth working on his cou, and the sound of her minou mouillure being pleasured by his bite.

After a while of this exchange, their lips locked again, and without words they stood up, removed their shoes, and moved the small table. Ray placed a throw pillow on the floor for her head, and as they got down on the floor, Ray blew out the candle under the desk. When he climbed on top of her, even in the dark he could see her intense eyes staring back at him, while a smile shown on her face. Ray ran his hands up and down her body, planting kisses on her cheeks, chin, and forehead. She wrapped her thick legs around his torso, and Ray entered her once again. Camille rocked her hips upward as she fully engulfed him inside of her, her smile changing to an ecstatic gasp of pleasure.

At a moderate pace, the two made love on that carpet like newlywed lovers on a honeymoon, having no other thoughts than enjoying the pleasure of the other. In the darkness, the sounds of them fulfilling their desire filled the room for what seemed like a very long time.

Coming out of Camille’s embrace, Ray pushed himself upward and moved outside of her, covering her mons with his foutre amour. She pulled him back down onto her and sought the insides of his mouth with her tongue. Panting, he rolled off to her side, and they spooned with her holding tight to his strong arms at her waist. Reveling in their satiation, they laid there for about ten minutes, with Ray lightly kissing her neck as she ran her fingers up and down the top of his arm. Camille turned to face him.

“Ray, I want us to do this again. It felt so good to me; Did it for you?” she asked.

“You know it baby, you really know how to go for yours,” Ray told her.

“Can we stay a while longer. I don’t want this evening to end just yet,” Camille told him.

“Sure lovely, we can stay for a bit more, but not too much longer than that. We can’t risk running into anybody, you’re the general’s *******, remember?” Ray jokingly said to her.

They lay there facing each other and talking until Camille’s soft hands sprung his la bite to duty, and with Ray’s back against the small loveseat, Camille took her pleasures with him once again, peaking in a lip-locked embrace, expressing their love of the moment. After a bit of laughter and rest, Ray told Camille to freshen up in the lady’s room while he tidied up. They held each other one last time, and in a Hollywood style parting kiss, she made him promise to write her at least once and Ray told her good-bye.

Camille made her way home and used the spare key under the front porch to quietly open the door and ease her way in. She stopped in the kitchen and took off her dress, put her underwear in the hamper, and lightly tiptoed up to her room.

excerpt from Grupa Desdemona - satiate dominium vincere - (Satisfied Ladies Win)