Black to Brown: A Rasta Veteran and a Sexy Indian Doctor. A slow burn

For the past six years, I’ve enjoyed reading and soaking in everything all you wonderful sexy people have shared. It’s my time to contribute. This story is my point of view and is as true as I can remember. My lady has read this over and corrected some details from her memory. This is part amateur erotica, part awkward romance, and mostly just me sharing. If you make it through all of it, thank you. I have her consent to share these words and some photos of her. This all happened around the latter half of 2016.

It's too long to post in the body of the message, so I attached a .pdf version.

A favor to ask of all the readers, especially the ladies: Please direct any *spicy* comments or reactions directly to her. We’re going to schedule a time where she and I log back onto B2W with a bottle of wine open and read them together. Any words to get her hot and bothered would be really appreciated!

Thank you for reading our story. Would love to hear your comments and reactions!


  • Black to Brown - A Rasta Veteran and a Sexy Indian Doctor - A Slow Burn.pdf
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For the past six years, I’ve enjoyed reading and soaking in everything all you wonderful sexy people have shared. It’s my time to contribute. This story is my point of view and is as true as I can remember. My lady has read this over and corrected some details from her memory. This is part amateur erotica, part awkward romance, and mostly just me sharing. If you make it through all of it, thank you. I have her consent to share these words and some photos of her. This all happened around the latter half of 2016.

It's too long to post in the body of the message, so I attached a .pdf version.

A favor to ask of all the readers, especially the ladies: Please direct any *spicy* comments or reactions directly to her. We’re going to schedule a time where she and I log back onto B2W with a bottle of wine open and read them together. Any words to get her hot and bothered would be really appreciated!

Thank you for reading our story. Would love to hear your comments and reactions!
Hot content Blkthor. I would advise you play out her cucking fantasy. Get her an Indian man and let him lick her clean
For the past six years, I’ve enjoyed reading and soaking in everything all you wonderful sexy people have shared. It’s my time to contribute. This story is my point of view and is as true as I can remember. My lady has read this over and corrected some details from her memory. This is part amateur erotica, part awkward romance, and mostly just me sharing. If you make it through all of it, thank you. I have her consent to share these words and some photos of her. This all happened around the latter half of 2016.

It's too long to post in the body of the message, so I attached a .pdf version.

A favor to ask of all the readers, especially the ladies: Please direct any *spicy* comments or reactions directly to her. We’re going to schedule a time where she and I log back onto B2W with a bottle of wine open and read them together. Any words to get her hot and bothered would be really appreciated!

Thank you for reading our story. Would love to hear your comments and reactions!
That's nice story! All the best to you and Indian wife. Waiting forthe story involving her younger sister
For the past six years, I’ve enjoyed reading and soaking in everything all you wonderful sexy people have shared. It’s my time to contribute. This story is my point of view and is as true as I can remember. My lady has read this over and corrected some details from her memory. This is part amateur erotica, part awkward romance, and mostly just me sharing. If you make it through all of it, thank you. I have her consent to share these words and some photos of her. This all happened around the latter half of 2016.

It's too long to post in the body of the message, so I attached a .pdf version.

A favor to ask of all the readers, especially the ladies: Please direct any *spicy* comments or reactions directly to her. We’re going to schedule a time where she and I log back onto B2W with a bottle of wine open and read them together. Any words to get her hot and bothered would be really appreciated!

Thank you for reading our story. Would love to hear your comments and reactions!
tasty looking pussy to be licking and fucking all day long upon approval