Birth Control....On to Off

My take on the whole situation is, since I turned 51 this past year and have been off oral birth control since December, my cuckband and I have consciously made the decision to let it ride. Obviously I’m older and entering my extinct years but I have had 2 relatives that have conceived in their mid 50’s with healthy babies. I have a steady bf currently and he is younger with African dna! We are all prepared if it happens!
I have bred 3 women well into their 50's with healthy births . I'd love to get you pregnant maybe even back to back pregnancies . The one 53 yr old is due next month and wants to start trying right after birth since her fertility will be at its highest first cycle after birth ..
Wife has been on BC since we started having sex at 15. She's currently got the IUD implant but begs me all the time to get snipped so she can get off it. My only concern is she will never want to try another guy and all hope for my fantasies would be gone..
My wife had to stop BC because she was having some issues.
right now we check her fertility with the calendar and with the fertility sticks, apparently there are very precise.