BBC porn addict looking for sameminded white single man

That's ok...the struggle is real!
I've wanted it also but at times I've thought I just don't deserve it anymore. My ex was far more sexual than me. She truly needed a man more endowed and able to keep it up.

There's a channel called hypnotube. It has great videos ive watched to keep me focused on chastity and BBC!

Not trying to be mean to you but honestly do you think you deserve pudsy any more...or even anything (handjob/blowjob)???

Be honest with yourself...I don't deserve it whatsoever! My ex deserves the BBC she's with.
here's my one of my ideas:
Pretty much every white guy here but my favorite porn is my wife with bbc's
Living the dream, so happy for you, can you share a link? i'd pay if i like it, especially if its the BBC's account the subscription is going to.
We need to actually show more for our superior black daddies. Everybody wins, including the ladufriends that will get orgasms like never before,