
BBC & INTERRACIAL OBSESSED white guy from DFW metroplex in Texas here. 36, good looking, charismatic, straight my entire life and wouldve never imagined I’d even considering the thought of such a thing, (still consider myself straight) but LOVE hitting my knees before a BIG MASSIVE SUPERIOR DARK DICK and completely inhaling it. Sucking , serving , thanking and praising while so happily admiring and worshipping such. BIG SUPERIOR DICK!!!

Lady and i split atm but she used to love playing and she really enjoyed sharing that duty with me as well
  1. You are not straight
  2. Without a female counterpart, this site really isnt a place where you are going to add value to the community. You are not part of a 'Couple' as your profile indicates
  3. The racial self-loathing nonsense gets old (and this forum really isn't the place to be posting that stuff anyhow)
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Yeah sure. Nevermind the fact I still regularly meet with one of the exes and enjoy fun with one of a few BBCs we know. Never mind I’ve persuade and convince three of my own girlfriends to try it and became active in the lifestyle. Not to mention another three or four that were just friends or friends of the lady’s to go black.

Not real sure who you are with your dumbass numbered list of nonsense but I guarantee you I’ve been 10 times to advocate for the lifestyle youve ever imagined being, as well as led more into it, not to mention handed over my gf (s) yes plural btw that is to more BBCS than you’ve probably seen in real life.
Yeah sure. Nevermind the fact I still regularly meet with one of the exes and enjoy fun with one of a few BBCs we know. Never mind I’ve persuade and convince three of my own girlfriends to try it and became active in the lifestyle. Not to mention another three or four that were just friends or friends of the lady’s to go black.

Not real sure who you are with your dumbass numbered list of nonsense but I guarantee you I’ve been 10 times to advocate for the lifestyle youve ever imagined being, as well as led more into it, not to mention handed over my gf (s) yes plural btw that is to more BBCS than you’ve probably seen in real life.
Don't mess with Texas