Angelyn’s thoughts on the Kavanaugh v Christine Blasey and others feud


Let me give my take on the recent controversy and how it pertains to male-female relations.

One – despite often sounding conservative I am not a Republican voter. I vote for independent parties generally considered on the left, like many of my fellow academics.

Two – as an academic who earned her way through life I have always hated the White Male Patriarchy. I’m not just saying this because we’re an interracial website that loves making fun of white males. I really do not believe white men are automatically superior to other demographic groups, and I believe that in any genuinely meritocratic environment, white men should not make up more than 50% of the important people, recognized high achievers, etc out there.

I know it sounds selfish and self-promoting, but there are many white men in academia who are holding tenure when their places should be mine.

So I have zero sympathy for prep school drunkards who used their *******’s names and wealth and social connections to rise. I am 100% more sympathetic to Deborah Ramirez because I am way, way more like her than I am like Kavanaugh.

Regardless of whether K is guilty or innocent, I simply do not think adding another ex-frat boy white man to the Supreme Court will make the Supreme Court better.

But I still see many problems with the current controversy.

One – the accusers’ poor memory is very dangerous. Memory is fallible. Check out any book on how eyewitness evidence can be faulty.

Too many important details are lacking. Practically nothing is usable evidence, no concrete and verifiable details. It’s like a thesis that can’t be disproved because the thesis is arguing nothing.

When using witness evidence, you should interview them separately. Don’t do it in an atmosphere of media attention. Otherwise we might have a case where ten women were raped or attacked by ten separate frat idiots/ prep morons none of whom was K, and all ten end up fixating on K as their attacker just because he looks more or less like your standard white male frat idiot/ prep moron.

Ask all three, four, whatever number of accusers for details without having these details splayed across front news.

I fear that K isn’t going to have a fair hearing no matter what. Too much media speculation and attention. I believe K’s accusers were indeed attacked, but I’m not convinced that they remember correctly whether K was their attacker.

Unbiased juries have to be sequestered for a very good reason. To prevent them from being influenced by the media.

Two – how much is K to blame?

I have no doubt most frat boys are idiots and super dumb when *******. But in many cases it was a case of people doing the worst things because the social environment was set up for them to act stupidly and harmfully.

The vast majority of Nazi concentration camp guards were not even Nazis or lifelong racists. They were poor Ukrainian or ethnic German young villagers from central and eastern Europe who got conscripted and didn’t want to fight the Russians. So they took the easy way out. Abusing defenceless prisoners was a whole lot safer than fighting an enemy that all Central and Eastern Europeans have regarded as a bogey for centuries.

Most concentration camp guards were moral weaklings, cowards or lemmings. They weren’t Hannibal Lecter-grade sadistic psychopaths.

The social system matters. In Central America you have hundreds of thousands of young gangsters who do the most ******* things not because they were born evil but because their social environment distorted them. Lots of Central Americans have fled to the US because they don’t want to join gangs. Central Europeans under the Nazi regime didn’t even have that choice.

I think even the dumb antics of frat boys is some kind of ‘mutual guilt’, ‘we’re in it together’ kind of bonding ritual. It binds people together in guilt and stupidity and the knowledge that they were stupid and shameful.

These rituals are bad because they create factions in society. They exclude other genders, races, ethnicities, religions, etc. They are useful only to the patriarchs who want to perpetuate their patriarchy. EG just by looking at the resume that says Pi Stupid Pi, the hiring partner at an investment bank will know that his potential hire went through the same stupid hazing rituals.

I would argue that seventeen year old teens are scarcely capable of being responsible, much less when they were *******. What you should go after, are the criminals who caused them to get ******* in the first place. Who were the people that sourced the alcohol and gave it to underaged party goers? Who owned the premises on which such shameful acts took place? These people have responsibility. If you are a parent and plied your young ******* with alcohol and left him and a bunch of other young boys with some younger girls, you can’t be that naive to think that nothing inappropriate would happen. You know very well that ‘boys will be boys’. The girls would be, if not raped, at least pressured into sex.

There is always someone responsible, because seventeen year olds don’t own or rent houses. Even if they could sneak an occasional bottle under the table, a seventeen can’t buy many kegs and crates and cart them all home without people knowing.

It’s not really constructive to go after the 17 year old dumb mean drunkards. Go after their parents and the ******* store owners and anyone else in a position of responsibility. If a ******* took place on their premises, let the parents cough up $500k in compensation per victim – or see their ******* named and listed as a young sex offender. If a shop sold a bunch of crates to an underaged person, let that shop licence be pulled, until there are no more alcohol sellers in the neighbourhood.

Three – how bad is are the guys’ conduct?

You need to remember, these were literally boys. Not legal adults. It’s totally not cool, and should be stopped and discouraged and condemned. But I do not believe K’s conduct at the age of 17 is relevant now. If there was a problem, his accusers have had decades to bring it up.

Justice delayed is justice denied. Both for the criminal, as well as for the victim. At the age of 17, K was not a big deal. He wasn’t a big shot. Even a 15 year old girl recognizes hierarchy, and young males are definitely low on the totem pole. Most fathers and male relatives will believe a young girl vs another young boy. I would even say that the accusations by young girls are more credible than the denials of young boys. Because everyone knows that ******* young males are likely to *******, and that young girls are often the targets of sexual assault or unwanted advances, a 15 year old Blasey would have found it easier to be believed than a 17 year old K.

To wait for decades is unfair, even to K the purported attacker, because he now has to contend with accusers who have a few vague memories rather than solid proof and strong testimony. When everyone’s memories were fresh and easily corroborated, he could have been investigated by his school and either expelled or given a humiliating censure by school authorities in front of his parents.

Young girls are rarely sexually predatory, and rarely use *******, and don’t act in a confrontational manner. So we girls generally do not have a sexual abuse problem. But young girls have also done a lot of things that we’re ashamed of. I certainly played my own pranks as a teen. Vandalism, shoplifting, gossip, plotting against someone else, minor car sabotage. To be true, girls’ machinations tend to be social rather than physical. But people are hurt bad also.

I’m sure we all know someone who attempted suicide. In many cases, the victim was a young girl who was prey to the bullying of other young girls. I am alert to this because I was part of an uncool clique in school that bonded together because of the need to protect ourselves from the cruel manipulations of higher status, Heather-like girls. If I did not have the benefit of my clique, I might have ended up like someone who attempted suicide.

Deborah Ramirez and Christine Blasey (and also Hillary Clinton) are not the mean-girl types who formed cliques and bullied others into suicide. But for every mean ******* teen guy, there is a mean bitchy teen girl out there. And I’ve always feared the mean girls much more than the mean guys. If you avoid rowdy parties and conduct yourself in nondescript, low profile fashion, mean guys don’t bother you. But there is nothing you can do to protect yourself if mean girls want to pick on you.

I’ve seen an asthmatic girl bullied by other mean girls for breathing.

Four - Guys exposing themselves at a ******* party?


This kind of crap happens. If you want to grow into an adult woman, you always come across crap men acting in a crap fashion.

The correct thing to do to a guy exposing himself like that is to smile and take his balls in your hand. Let everyone see you doing that. Then squeeze hard.

No girl will call you a slut for squeezing a sex harasser’s balls. The guy’s friends will laugh. The guy will back off and never disturb you forever. A girl I know actually did that to another boy who exposed himself in the presence of others, and her status went all the way up. For the rest of her school career she was treated with total respect by both boys and girls. (Admittedly, she was called nicknames that aren’t flattering from an adult POV, but the nicknames certainly sounded good to most of us youngsters so she wasn’t traumatized by the nicknames.)

The best thing about this?

13 or 15 years later, the guy actually apologized to the girl when he met her at a high school reunion.

The girl told him they were even. She did put him in a world of hurt, after all!


They’re friends now. They may even have had sex together, but I can’t be sure.

Face it, men can be stupid. But if you can handle them in manly fashion, you can win their respect. And more important than that, you keep your own self respect.

Rather than spend the next few decades feeling traumatized by some guy who exposed himself, Deborah Ramirez could have punished the guy immediately, and wound up feeling damn good about herself instead.

The blame? I put it on the Catholic Church male patriarchy. They made Deborah Ramirez fear the penis, and fear touching the penis.

My parents protected me, but never taught me to fear the penis. It’s just a soft and sensitive organ.
This case looks like a typical witch hunt. There is no proof for any allegations, there is no video, photo or voice records or pictures which support the allegations. There is no police reports, hospital reports and etc. Law works with evidences and there is none of it. Witness testimonies can't ve taken serious unless they are supported by other evidences.
well it looks like he is NOT out of trouble yet!
the ABA didn't buy his bullshit and want an investigation.....funny if what they find out causes him to lose his law license..
This case looks like a typical witch hunt. There is no proof for any allegations, there is no video, photo or voice records or pictures which support the allegations. There is no police reports, hospital reports and etc. Law works with evidences and there is none of it. Witness testimonies can't ve taken serious unless they are supported by other evidences.

what bothers me so much is the lack of academic rigor taking place.

I don't like Kavanaugh and his conservative policies which are often not women friendly at all. But his accusers are highly educated academics, and they should know better than just to come forward and make accusations with no proof.

Even if young boys are not respectful of young girls at all, the kind of environments that these girls found themselves in, were usually not hostile to females. There were plenty of other girls there. Everyone was inebriated to some extent. You weren't ****** to join the party. Far from it, you usually got in because you knew somebody.

The guys' conduct might not be praiseworthy. But the girls' responses were relevant too. If exposing one's genitals were so bad, Kavanaugh and his entire group of male friends would be swiftly criticized by all the girls in school, and permanently ostracized and never get any dates ever again. The fact that they didn't get too much condemnation, suggests that many girls just shrugged off their behavior as 'stupid guys'.

I was exactly the type of girl who didn't get invited much to parties as a teen. Back then I thought I was missing out. I guess I didn't miss anything.
what bothers me so much is the lack of academic rigor taking place.

I don't like Kavanaugh and his conservative policies which are often not women friendly at all. But his accusers are highly educated academics, and they should know better than just to come forward and make accusations with no proof.

Even if young boys are not respectful of young girls at all, the kind of environments that these girls found themselves in, were usually not hostile to females. There were plenty of other girls there. Everyone was inebriated to some extent. You weren't ****** to join the party. Far from it, you usually got in because you knew somebody.

The guys' conduct might not be praiseworthy. But the girls' responses were relevant too. If exposing one's genitals were so bad, Kavanaugh and his entire group of male friends would be swiftly criticized by all the girls in school, and permanently ostracized and never get any dates ever again. The fact that they didn't get too much condemnation, suggests that many girls just shrugged off their behavior as 'stupid guys'.

I was exactly the type of girl who didn't get invited much to parties as a teen. Back then I thought I was missing out. I guess I didn't miss anything.
Well... I have no idea of atmospheres of those parties. I have never been in one of them. I still think any sexual action against the relevant person's willing must be illegal and the offender must be sentenced. Even if in the middle of the sex, one of the parties tell that he/she doesn'T want to continue, it must stop there.

My concern is about the law. If the witch hunt will be a norm of the law, we can say that dark times are coming through. In this case, there are only allegations without proofs and those allegations depend on at least 30-40 years ago. And the accusers talk harmonically after some political developements. That's the reason I don't believe in the accusers.
I've never supported K for Supreme Court justice, and I don't like having him in a position of power.
But sometimes I think different from many women precisely because I was brought up differently.

I was the academic type right from young, who really didn't pay too much attention to her appearance. Or to male expectations. But who also didn't deliberately challenge patriarchy and male centered institutions. So I did very little to draw male attention, whether sexual or misogynistic.

I have been sexually attacked before. But I fought off the attacker. My first time was frightening and left a bad memory for months. Not really something I'd like to relive. But I also learned something: empowerment.

The second time a man assaulted me, I went on the offensive and fought him off. At this point I still wasn't making any calculated moves.

The third time wasn't even halfway serious. I was older and more savvy by that point. I kind of anticipated he would try something. And lashed out very quickly. He did not expect his purported victim to grab his balls and squeeze, followed by a jab at his eye. ******* victims are supposed to be scared of the male penis, but I was grabbing it as hard as I could. I was literally hanging on to it for dear life, because I knew that as long as I was hurting him there, he would be in too much pain to harm me.

After that I was never again attacked. Some years later I read that criminals prey on people based on the way they walk. Because I no longer felt scared, my body language (and maybe scents?) conveyed this. And nobody bothered me again.

I finally learned the lesson that I tell all younger women nowadays. Rapists and molesters are fundamentally no different from other bullies. They're cowards. They want women to squeal and cry and tremble with fear. If you hit back unhesitatingly, unblinkingly, these bullies will back off.
All good points above! Do i think he gets confirmed? Yes.

Do i feel there are skeletons in his closet? yes

1st: who keeps a calender of everything they did 30 years ago. Are we to believe he wrote absolutely everything down?

2nd: Is he guilty in this particular case? i can honestly sat i dont know.

3rd: Does his appointment take the court into some dangerous placea yes. it becomes heavily tiltes to the right. once again it is a life long appointment.

4th: she was believable. something has happened in her life.

Finally: i dont have a problem with her coming out 30 years later. The reason why, there are grown men coming out about what happen with priest 30 plus years later.

just look at society would ahe have bwen believed then, would it have hindered qhere she is now in her life.

We need to quite so much with party affiliation and vote for whom is right for our individual needs regardless of party lines
This isn't my reason for being here, but will chime in on it. Although the initial post was very well written, it includes a lot detail that does not pertain to this sitation (Ukrainian WWII concentration camp guards? Central American gangsters?).

At any rate, to get right to there point there were troublesome aspects from the start. Diane Feinstein deliberately withheld this testimony prior to the FBI investigation. So, this was intended to create this circus side show. The reason? The sacred cow issue of abortion, which litmus test is applied to every nominee. Not sure if it's internet hearsay or not, but if it's true that Soros donated money, then that's really all you need to know.
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This isn't my reason for being here, but will chime in on it. Although the initial post was very well written, it includes a lot detail that does not pertain to this sitation (Ukrainian WWII concentration camp guards? Central American gangsters?).

At any rate, to get right to there point there were troublesome aspects from the start. Diane Feinstein deliberately withheld this testimony prior to the FBI investigation. So, this was intended to create this circus side show. The reason? The sacred cow issue of abortion, which litmus test is applied to every nominee. Not sure if it's internet hearsay or not, but if it's true that Soros donated money, then that's really all you need to know.

Fienstien held it because Ford did not want to come out publicly! Ford was ****** out! Her letter was leaked! Ok you might think it was Fienstien, but how did Grassley and others know about it before hand, Odd that the letter is announced and Grassley has signed statements from 35 women all saying kavenaugh is great. Bullshit it got hacked by the right, put out and the news was at her door before she had any kind of a chance on it

why is it that ford was/is willing for an investigation and Kavenaugh not? something to hide?

and yes abortion does play into it, but it goes a lot further than that, e also believes a sitting pres can not be charged with a crime!
he also believes foreign gov should be allowed to put however much money in super pacs...making the sky the limit

and again he is another hard line conservative...just like McConnell announced they were trying to form the supreme court to their liking!
what does that mean, well how about voting rights especially for those that are not going to vote for the right!

It goes on and on......this is a spoiled little rich kid that did pretty much what he wanted in school and got away withy it...wormed his way into the right wing politics and has kissed ass to get all the way to the top!

you don't find it odd that one of the republican senators a FEMALE went to college with him....recalls his drinking and his reputation...she stated it publicly and yet is still going to support him!?
The right wants that supreme court in their pocket and will spare nothing to get it done!
with everything there is against him......I still think he will make it...after all trump wants him because of his position on sitting pres and trump tells the FBI what to look for and for how long...….you don't think he might censure anything BEFORE it goes public do you?...of course he wouldn't fire Comey or anyone else he could involved in the investigagtion
and one more thing...we all know this pres does not like to lose at anything....nor be told what to do....and yet he is being all cheerful and accommodating on this...…...almost like he knows the outcome already!
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suppose this could be another trump...race thing?

I certainly agree that Cosby and Kavanaugh can be both held liable for assaults. Except for two things.

1. so far there is too little evidence against K. You're literally talking about dozens of women against Cosby, with specific details corroborated by other people, as well as a proven track record in sourcing Quaaludes which he has no business messing around with. Against K, the evidence is less than 1% as strong. In most cases even the alcohol and the venues chosen were not his.

2. K was a minor when he committed the alleged offences against another minor at a party where everyone was being stupid. Unlike Cosby, who was already a very powerful man and who plotted in advance against his victims.

I am not supporting Kavanaugh. His performance (or rants) in front of a nationwide audience prove that he is your average frat boy grown up. K is not judicial material. But not being judicial material is a very, very long way from being convicted for sexual offenses.
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I certainly agree that Cosby and Kavanaugh can be both held liable for assaults. Except for two things.

1. so far there is too little evidence against K. You're literally talking about dozens of women against Cosby, with specific details corroborated by other people, as well as a proven track record in sourcing Quaaludes which he has no business messing around with. Against K, the evidence is less than 1% as strong. In most cases even the alcohol and the venues chosen were not his.

2. K was a minor when he committed the alleged offences against another minor at a party where everyone was being stupid. Unlike Cosby, who was already a very powerful man and who plotted in advance against his victims.

I am not supporting Kavanaugh. His performance (or rants) in front of a nationwide audience prove that he is your average frat boy grown up. K is not judicial material. But not being judicial material is a very, very long way from being convicted for sexual offenses.

not saying he has done anything that an put him in jail...although Maryland has no statutes of limitations.....but no one has looked before on him because of his position and even now they are trying not to look at to who knows...point being a lot say it should be forgotten because of the time span.....didn't work for cosby!
I have mixed feelings about Kavanaugh being elevated to the Supreme Court. I definitely do not think he deserves it. I don't like what he will do to the Supreme Court.

But the D-Rats are also to blame. They handled the whole thing badly. They turned it into a farce with last minute accusations with hardly any proof. They could have spent $100k beforehand, dug up every negative rumor and report about Kavanaugh, and painted him as a typical frat boy brat and good ol boy type with a shitty past, all without bringing forward a woman whose memory has lapses after more than 30 years.

Every d-rat politician should know full well that we can't convict K of attempted ******* based on the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford. If that can be treated as testimony, just about any white woman who was badly treated by a black teen 30 years ago, can now block that black man's career and send him to prison. This is a double edged sword that can only unlock a Pandora's Box of accusations ad nauseam. Obama was in the same dorm 30 years ago when a ******* took place? That sounds like plenty reason to trigger all the dog whistles and vote against Obama the '*******'.

now the political left is going on emotions and demonstrations and confrontations of senators in restaurants. It's going backfire very badly.

how can any centrist support the political left?

we'll be sitting on the fence reluctantly while the political right pushes its agenda.
not saying he has done anything that an put him in jail...although Maryland has no statutes of limitations.....but no one has looked before on him because of his position and even now they are trying not to look at to who knows...point being a lot say it should be forgotten because of the time span.....didn't work for cosby!

Nobody has looked at him before? You do realize that he has undergone at least 6 previous FBI background investigations, not to mention the fact that he was part of Ken Starr's legal team during the investigation and impeachment of Bill Clinton. It's interesting that none of this ever came up then but all of a sudden now, when they've had ample opportunity on the past to come forward, they stepped up right before he was to be voted on for SCOTUS.
Nobody has looked at him before? You do realize that he has undergone at least 6 previous FBI background investigations, not to mention the fact that he was part of Ken Starr's legal team during the investigation and impeachment of Bill Clinton. It's interesting that none of this ever came up then but all of a sudden now, when they've had ample opportunity on the past to come forward, they stepped up right before he was to be voted on for SCOTUS.

That's true. Long before Kavanaugh came up as a Supreme Court justice nominee, he was already a high profile man with plenty of politicized responsibilities.

All of K's three accusers are themselves highly educated, high powered women, literally the top 0.1%. You're not talking about a Congolese woman who has lived her entire life in a very hostile and racially oppressed environment. K's accusers have access to resources and powerful friends too. They could have derailed K's career anytime in the past 3+ decades. To come forward only at the last minute, and with memories that are so vague, is simply unacceptable.

To go back to a comparison I made some time back, I notice that Jewish holocaust victims have very strong memories. 50, 70 years after the fact, they can point to some elderly person, recognize him as an ex-concentration camp guard, and list in detail the crimes he committed. Many such holocaust victims have been tested and cross examined in court, and their testimony found to be sufficient proof enough to jail or deport people.

While I can accept that any single sexual assault victim can be too traumatized to remember many details, I won't accept that all victims can remember nothing useful at all. That's nonsense. Three women from the top 0.1% of intelligence, and no one has a clear brain? If something was really the worst day of your life, you would remember many details.

Memory is fickle, and from personal experience it is possible that certain legally important details like date are not remembered, but other random details like the presence of a weird clock are vividly remembered. No matter what, there should always be some details that could be corroborated. EG if Kavanaugh exposed himself and his dick is crooked, this fact can be easily verified in a medical exam, and it would send Deborah Ramirez's credibility up. If Kavanaugh attempted ******* in a house where there is a Tweety Bird Grandfather clock, mentioning this detail would immediately provide a clear avenue for further investigation and strengthen Christine Blasey.
Nobody has looked at him before? You do realize that he has undergone at least 6 previous FBI background investigations, not to mention the fact that he was part of Ken Starr's legal team during the investigation and impeachment of Bill Clinton. It's interesting that none of this ever came up then but all of a sudden now, when they've had ample opportunity on the past to come forward, they stepped up right before he was to be voted on for SCOTUS.
and Ford had one of Clintons lawyers? hmmmm, Ralph Blasey worked for Fusion GPS.....hmmmm, Feinsteins husband works for Palo Alto University..........once again I say hmmmmm.