Am i a cuckold?

Im a male, years ago i got ******* by my coach. He made some private session like Stay the night together and watch video of the sport games and gave his athletes some ******* and i know what ******* is that because i lived in a med family. I ******* the ******* but i try to keep sober and thats the worst choice that i ever done.

At the same periodic time i know my mom cheat on my ******* with, we can say one of the leader of the sport club that i joined. I knew because i have a feeling that happen n try to looking for evidence by searching the contents of his cellphone, and find some evident like photo vido etc. Up until today, i know it worsened what happen to my mom.

after that happen, more than 4 years until now, i feel aroused and turn on when i remember that when i wanna jerk off

The question is am i a cuck or its just jealous or what?
Your post is like a jigsaw puzzle, M, I read it twice and couldn't make sense of it. All the ******* out words are hard to decipher. How 'bout going back to this post and simply put a 'period' in the context of the words that are *****. As I read it, I couldn't tell if your wife was involved in this cheating or not.
A cuckold is one who's spouse cheats on them with other sexual partners. If your spouse hasn't cheated on you then you wouldn't be considered a cuck.
If you're jealous over your mom cheating that's something else. I guess it depends on what kind of relationship you had with your mom.