Alan Roger Currie's Mode One

I recently started going through Alan Roger Currie's Mode One series of works which primarily includes the books Mode One: Let The Women Know What You're Really Thinking and Oooooh . . . Say It Again: Mastering the Fine Art of Verbal Seduction and Aural Sex.

Between these texts, Alan Roger Currie touches on the topic of cuckold/hotwife relationships and how that is a consequence of natural or acquired temperaments of the husbands/boyfriends.

According to Alan Roger Currie, there are four modes a man can be:

  • Mode One: Direct, upfront, and straightforward communication. The man clearly expresses his sexual or romantic intentions without ambiguity. It's the foundation of Currie's philosophy, emphasizing honesty and confidence.
  • Mode Two: Indirect, but honest communication. The man hints at his interest through flirtation or suggestive conversation, but doesn't explicitly verbalize his intentions right away.
  • Mode Three: Dishonest or manipulative communication. The man is not clear or truthful about his real intentions, often pretending to be interested in friendship or other motives to get closer.
  • Mode Four: Avoidant or non-assertive communication. The man is too timid or fearful to express any interest or initiate conversation, leading to no real progress.
He also segregates the women into a scale from 1 to 5. 1 being the most promiscuous and the 5 being a complete prude.

He also alludes to to alpha/beta dynamics. The Alpha males are essentially mode one males who are confident and upfront about their intentions and actions. Beta males are the ones who try to hide their intentions and get the short end of the stick because of their inaction.

Alan proposes that the cuckold/hotwife lifestyle is primarily a result of women who are closer to 1 in the promiscuity scale marrying men who are beta or closer to mode four.

Essentially saying that women tend to have fun with the alphas between the ages of 18 to 29 and after that look for easy to manipulate betas to marry and settle with while cheating on them with the alphas because only the alphas are able to satisfy them sexually. Now I know the term alpha is loaded, but in this context, alpha means men who are mode one. Bold, direct and not afraid of saying what's on their mind. Alan claims that women are naturally attracted to men who're upfront and don't pretend to be nice guys when they know all they want is to get in the woman's pants.

I'm interested in knowing this community's thought on this.
He also alludes to to alpha/beta dynamics. The Alpha males are essentially mode one males who are confident and upfront about their intentions and actions. Beta males are the ones who try to hide their intentions and get the short end of the stick because of their inaction.

You can win a game of chess in 2 moves, that doesn't make you a chess GM (Grandmaster).

That just show the weakness of your opponent. Same way you can get women by going super direct and asking soon, but that does not mean you are good with women that often shows the type of women you will get AND a lot of guys do that super direct thing

The root of the reason why so many guys insist on being direct is because their lack of game has been exposed when they weren't direct with women.

"these women play games"


And I agree, women will play games. if you let them.

Anyone telling you that the girl will be impressed by your confidence at being so direct is just plain lying.

You'll probably get sweet rejections "That's really sweet, thank you so much, but I have a boyfriend" or "let's talk more"

Sweet rejections are what you get when you're in "no challenge land" -- that is to say, your attainability is too high; you seem too easy to get. It's what you get when the woman knows she could have you if she wants you

Most men veer too far toward either being too attainable or not attainable enough.

Women don't think like wmen

A woman can like you, be into you, be attracted to you... yet she just won't let herself do anything with you.

Crazy innit ? But that's women

Being direct can make a woman think you are too needy or too available, then your attainability is too high, and you're not someone she wants.

You're too easy. You're no challenge, which can imply to her that her read on your value must be wrong and there must be some kind of hidden flaw with you for you to be acting this way to her, and this especially true for women who are more attractive.

The flip side is also true if you're very aloof, or she feels like you're being insincere then your attainability is too low, and she'll might thin "o he's gonna fk me, like other guys have fked me n then leave" and she will auto-reject to protect her ego

Don't get me wrong, you can be direct if her investment is there, and she feels emotions towards you.

But there is no "magic" direct opener that you can rattle off that will immediately lead to your dk getting sucked. There is, however, a good way to structure the early goings of a pickup on a dating app with the goal of getting that bubble going, where she's focused on you and everything else is just noise.

So if guys are solely relying on direct game, they should consider stepping outside the box. That style is a great learning tool. Work on getting the entire toolbox together as opposed to just a hammer.

Essentially saying that women tend to have fun with the alphas between the ages of 18 to 29 and after that look for easy to manipulate betas to marry and settle with while cheating on them with the alphas because only the alphas are able to satisfy them sexually. Now I know the term alpha is loaded, but in this context, alpha means men who are mode one. Bold, direct and not afraid of saying what's on their mind. Alan claims that women are naturally attracted to men who're upfront and don't pretend to be nice guys when they know all they want is to get in the woman's pants.

I'm interested in knowing this community's thought on this.

Yup. I think they call is "Alpha FKs / Beta bucks"


That is the most attractive guys get to have sëx with the women with less investment when women are in the prime. They demand that the beta males need more investment for a woman to have sëx with them.

That;s why you get all these Alpha widows on dating apps looking for a beta male to raise her k.i.d.s



Ending up alone is at least a form of justice. I do pity them, but much in the same way I pity those black African c.h.i.l.d.r.e.n in one of those donation commercials. They have no idea what’s going on,