African Supremacy: BBC NWO

A sustainable BNWO requires controlled white breeding, avoiding mixing black and white.
Any sexual contact between a white man and a woman should be considered a violation of said woman and punishable by law. Therefore white women should be inseminated in clinics to become pregnant. Also, control measures should be in place to ensure a larger ratio of white women than white men, and the total number of newborn whites should of course also be controlled.
Very hot. What policies do you propose for keeping the white population in check? What should the government do to ensure that white births are kept at an acceptable number?
Like China's one-baby policy, but without the misogyni, so the culture will be that girls are preferred.
Also, white men will be shamed (already in progress, but not enough), and white women encouraged to reject white men, and report any sexual approaches. And unlike today, the law will be on the side of women.
This sounds like an excellent idea. Certainly there will be some in society who resist this, so should the government have measures in place to ensure that white reproduction is strictly limited for those individuals?
Initially, probably. But ideally, white women will grow accustomed to seeing White men as potential rapists, and therefore reject them all.
White men can play a part in reproduction through their natural skills as masturbators.
A sustainable BNWO requires controlled white breeding, avoiding mixing black and white.
Any sexual contact between a white man and a woman should be considered a violation of said woman and punishable by law. Therefore white women should be inseminated in clinics to become pregnant. Also, control measures should be in place to ensure a larger ratio of white women than white men, and the total number of newborn whites should of course also be controlled.
A sustainable BNWO requires controlled white breeding, avoiding mixing black and white.
Any sexual contact between a white man and a woman should be considered a violation of said woman and punishable by law. Therefore white women should be inseminated in clinics to become pregnant. Also, control measures should be in place to ensure a larger ratio of white women than white men, and the total number of newborn whites should of course also be controlled.
Wasn't that already tried in Germany by the Nazis?