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  1. D

    Help for refugees.

    childporn? I bet I get banned because I said it first.
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    Help for refugees.

  3. D

    Help for refugees.

    What does that photo mean?
  4. D

    Questionable Please verify me!

    Duuuude with this body you hide under a hoody?
  5. D


    you like constructive feedback? If not, don't read. Pictures good, music very good. the picturesand the speed of rhythm not much mostly. I watched one two other from you and they matched much better. I know its not easy to make these kind of videos, I tried myself but thats why I salute you...
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    Muslim Men and White Christian Women

    No there was the for example and much more. The Ottoman Empire used slave catchers in Europe to capture people as slaves, including women and girls on a large scale, who were then resold and used accordingly.
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    How many she had since the first time in 22 and how old were they?