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  1. J

    Comment by 'Jengusmist' in media 'Picture Perfect 2'

    Thanks for sharing king <3
  2. J

    Comment by 'Jengusmist' in media 'Screen Shot 2023-09-04 at 4.58.34 PM.png'

    Now that's what a real cock looks like.
  3. J

    All Black NWO

    Really can't happen soon enough.
  4. J

    how do I convince my wife to date black men?

    Maybe honest wasn't the right word to use in my original post. I want to be honest with her but there is a huge gap where I cant just go all out "honey I want you to only fuck black men from now on" if I started with that she would think I was having a mental breakdown. How do I slowly ease her...
  5. J

    how do I convince my wife to date black men?

    So my wife is a small cute Asian girl (24f), and I want her blacked so badly. I'm a 25 white male. However she doesn't know this and I don't know how open she would be to the idea. How can I ease her into the idea? I cant just be honest upfront and tell her I want her to date/fuck black guys...