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  1. marco vittoro

    Used condom for cuck...

    he doesn't but perhaps you do. ...teasing you how fertile she is as well!
  2. marco vittoro

    Do wives secretly contact bulls after first meeting for more

    of course. maybe not a secret, but not telling or asking for permission.
  3. marco vittoro

    I'm looking for a gift for my wife

    find out when she's ovulating without asking or hinting, then schedule it for her. when that point arrives, have him take the condom off. there's your gift. the anticipation, the fear, the mixed emotions. ...and perhaps a very permanently witness of your unconditional love & devotion.
  4. marco vittoro

    Used condom for cuck...

    if you had him wear one, then turn it inside out for the hubby to wear!
  5. marco vittoro

    protect with a bull or not?

    the risk & the consequences are the whole point.
  6. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    yes, sweetie, its a baby that is making my belly start to bulge. ...a BLACK bay. maybe two!
  7. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    honey, he just told me he is going to make us both parents. he also says he'll be back each year to help us grow our family too. ...isn't that wonderful!???
  8. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    your new bride tells you, "hi 'd@ddy' dear. well, in about a moment you will be!"
  9. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    your blonde bride being lead to her inevitable m0therhood!
  10. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    yes, fuck hubby...i want you to end my ginger genes &blacken my eggs forever. make me a m0mmy!
  11. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    "sweetheart, this is your last chance to back out & stop this, because if you don't, the next time you see me, i'll be a blackbred new m0m ...and our blonde bloodlines will be extinct forever!" (what do you tell your beloved wife???)
  12. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    on your wedding night you watch, wanking helplessly, as you you hear your bride tell the bellhop, "go ahead you black bastard, & put your lil N***** b@by in my & make my husband a d@ddy. ...a cuckd@ddy!"
  13. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    sweetheart, should i let him blackbreed me, & make me a m0mmy? he's going to permanently blacken my blonde eggs if i do!
  14. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    your wife looks you in they eyes & tells you... "i think today is the day we're going to start our family." ...and in your heart, you know i's going to become the Truth. ...and only minutes later proved it! ...then the evidence of her success became obvious months later with twins! you knew...
  15. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    as soon as the black went into your wife, you just knew in your heart, ginger would never come out!
  16. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    your beautiful blonde bride, 9months before she delivered her 1st &2nd b@bies!
  17. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    see honey, i thin he just made you a d@ddy!
  18. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    your sister askes you, "you wanna cum on your wife's beautiful sexy black b@by bum again? ...o mine? he gave us both TRIPLETS you know!"
  19. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    oh my gawd. i think you just made me a m0mmy, & my husband 's genes extinct!
  20. marco vittoro

    Thought provoking memes and captions

    you'd been telling all your friends & family how you got your teenaged bride pregnant on the wedding night. so she sends you this pic saying, "no honey, you might be the d@ddy, but you're definitely NOT their f@ther!" then this to prove it beyond any doubt...