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  1. Cuckinparis

    My first time with a black man

    First, i know the title isn t very original but it s exactly what it is lol so let s begin ahah i m a french white boy and i have been interested into cuckolding and black men since my 16, but at first this attraction was simply to cuckold sex. But that year, as i practiced more and more...
  2. Cuckinparis

    My asian wife blacked

    Yes also in august
  3. Cuckinparis

    My asian wife blacked

    You were in annecy great
  4. Cuckinparis

    Attracted against my will by cuckolding

    Hi all i come here to speak of a problem: i have a beautifull white gf and i perform well in bed (1h of sex with many orgasms for her at least ) but i can t stop fantasizing about her being blacked can you help me and advise me?
  5. Cuckinparis

    Attiré malgré moi par le cuckolding

    Bonjour voilà mon problème j ai une magnifique petite amie blanche et je performe très bien au lit (mis a part quelques cm a peu près aussi bien qu une bbc 1h de sexe minimum avec un bon coup de rein )mais je ne peux m empêcher de fantasmer malgré tout sur le fait de la voir prise par des hommes...