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  1. sexonvacation

    Tell the story the first time you came hand free getting cucked

    My wife flirted with a guy online that she met on a trip and I came in my pants
  2. sexonvacation

    Wife on porn sites

    I always wonder if they got leaked but no idea how to check
  3. sexonvacation

    Looking for advice

    Any advice on next steps? I don’t want push to fast this is a big step
  4. sexonvacation

    Looking for advice

    Gave my wife a hall pass on a recent work trip. She met a guy that she felt the convo was sort of flirty. They follow each other on a social but it also makes sense because business. She liked a beach photo of him on a dare from me and this was further than she’s ever taken it in terms of...
  5. sexonvacation

    Devastating sentences you'll never forget..

    About 10 years into our marriage, we started trading hot stories from our younger years. My wife had maintained that she only had one partner before me, her college ex that broke with her in their senior year. She started telling me about how she did hook up with a few guys but didn’t have sex...