
I just turned 18 and finished highschool I just got engaged to my boyfriend to 😞 my parents thought it was good idea stable foundation they'd never talk to me again if they knew I was on this site I'd be in big trouble my boyfriend he don't please me
at all I wouldn't even have none that sex could be way better if I hadn't seen for myself so I babysit for the Johnson every week it's nice black couple next door well they asked if I could keep an eye on there house while they were on vacation one night late I notice light on I thought if anything I left it on so I went over to turn it off so Im at bottom of steps and I hear Ms Johnson screaming bloody ******* so I run up the steps to help i rush in the room and see me Johnson and he's got his wife doggy style with a handful of her hair riding her as she screams for mercy my jaw dropsc in awe and what I seen his cock I would have never even dreamed they could be that big he noticed some one enter the room and he looked back at with a seductive smile and began fucking his wife harder and harder as if he was showing off i quickly let the room but kept watching through the crack I slid my hand down my panties and rubbed my already wet pussy I got so embarrassed I havent been back since but that big black cock stuck in my head I need that it's driving me crazy
Looking for
  1. Sexy chat/Email
  2. Phone/Web cam sex
  3. Photo/Video exchange
  4. 1-on-1 sex
  5. Threesome
  6. Group sex (4 or more)
  7. Bondage & Discipline
  8. Dominance & Submission



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