Wife and long time fuck buddie , FLIP .

Wife has been sucking & fucking this guy for years .Wife always need more BBCs .
So fucking beautiful. I love that you show face and your pussy. I’d lick cum from you all day
PLEASE LEARN HOW TO USE THE CAMERA and STFU. :eek: That's one hot #10 wife and a great hubby for sharing, but have you critqued your own videography. The vids look as if they're produced by a Jr. high kid jerking the camera with one hand an jerking off with the other.She's such a calm sexy vixen and you ruin half of the footage with your camera movements darting around the room and dialog. You're "selling" these shots to a "hungry" audience. What do you think your movements and injected comments do for that audience? They break the spell your sexy wife is providing. And if you're using a Go Pro, think about switching to a hand held camera with damping. So much potential there. Please learn. She's a sexy fucking treasure.

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