Online harassment.


Gold Member
Hello. I would like to tell you about a group of young ladies from Sydney, NSW, Australia. This story started then on of the women's Tinder Profile was screenshot and posted on Facebook.

You can see somAustralian coverage of this here:

This also includes a link to the original story.

I think this is an issue that spans the entire world, the social media companies need to take more responsibility and to an extent police and other agencies need better training to deal with this worryingly increasing crime.

I think that if pressure can be applied from around the world then social media will have no option but to work towards a solution, and I hope that you will be able to help bring this vital message to the attention of the the online world.

Thank you for you time.
Great story. Terrible to hear.
I have an even better one but thats for a different tyme of harrasment.