Recent content by CremeBrulee

  1. CremeBrulee

    Interesting thread about Sweden

    Not sure about Sweden or any of the Nordics for that matter, but in Germany interracial is becoming more and more widely accepted
  2. CremeBrulee

    Kneeling for BBC

    Love the aesthetic here!
  3. CremeBrulee

    anyone got any thoughts about reicarnation?? or if it’s real. 20M TN.

    Pretty sure you're just gone and that's it. Eternal nothingness
  4. CremeBrulee

    How many Black college athletes....

    Not really...Too emasculating for them i suppose
  5. CremeBrulee

    How many Black college athletes....

    Not sure about moms, but when i was in college me and my cheerleader friends would regularly sleep with the black guys on the football and basketball teams...It was well known too
  6. CremeBrulee

    Help for refugees.

    True that
  7. CremeBrulee

    Drop your location

    New York
  8. CremeBrulee

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  9. CremeBrulee

    Thank you

    Thank you
  10. CremeBrulee


  11. CremeBrulee

    State your location

    Big Apple
  12. CremeBrulee

    Is Will Smith the most outted cuck in Hollywood?

    Will should slap him a second time tbh